13 Things you may not know about Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs’ alleged liver transplant came as a bit of a shock to Apple fans this week. Given that Jobs is one of the most high-profile and rumored-about CEO’s on the interweb, sometimes we may feel we know everything there is to know about the man. However, Steve is like an onion. He’ll make you cry if you cut him. AND he has layers. Many layers. Here are 13... Read More
Cute and cuddly Steve Jobs doll – Just like the real thing!
All of you guys who collect creepy looking dolls and stuffed toys that come to life at night and murder people take note! There’s a new “Chucky” in town – none other than Steve Jobs! That’s right, Podbricks (makers of Apple themed Legos) has taken a softer turn and released a run of 500 Steve Jobs plush dolls. Warning: this doll WILL kill you while... Read More
Did Jobs fake a health illness to avoid announcing the new Shuffle?
Wow. Today’s announcement of the new iPod shuffle was really something, wasn’t it? Just push a button 10 times, and your iPod will speak a list of playlists. Press 11 times, hold once, then press again, and you can turn it off. It sounds a little too much like this parody of the Mactini by Peter Serafinowicz. I remember more than once I had a report to give in school... Read More
What, too soon?
OK, now that we’re all supposed to not worry about Steve’s health, is it OK to laugh at this? Cause I did. Not so much at the comic itself, but I was just imagining Phil Schiller on stage with an series of Keynote slides actually presenting The World’s Thinnest CEO. With things like “The thinnest CEO out there is now is Larry Ellison, of Oracle, weighing... Read More
OK, this time I really DO believe Steve’s OK
Above: Looks like we won’t be needing THAT sign anymore! Apple today delivered a two-punch PR combo meant to finally put to rest any rumors about Steve Jobs’ health, or any plans he may have to leave Apple. First came a rare letter from Steve Jobs himself, which reads: “Dear Apple Community, For the first time in a decade, I’m getting to spend the holiday... Read More
Giant video of Steve Jobs’ head to pass the torch to Schiller on Macworld’s stage?
It’s rare that so close to a Macworld the rumor mill would have more interest in what Steve Jobs is up to than what new products Apple might unveil, but if you didn’t like the whacked out “Obama will appoint Jobs CTO” rumor, maybe you’ll like this… ” a RUMOUR… from my source… is that Steve Jobs has a pre-recorded video message... Read More
Macworld’s “One More Thing”: Steve Jobs to be appointed Obama’s Chief Technical Officer?
Once every 200 years or so a piece of wishful thinking comes along that is so amazingly out there, so obviously pulled from someone’s ass, that you simply have to ask “What if?“. Obviously, 1809‘s wishful thinking (that The Treaty of the Dardanelles be signed at Chanak January 5 by representatives of Britain and the Ottoman Empire to affirm the principle... Read More
Wow Steve, FireWire sounds really cool! When’s it coming to the MacBook Pro?
So far the only regret I have about my new MacBook Pro is the lack of a FireWire 400 port. It’s not a huge deal, but its absence became immediately apparent when I began attempting to transfer the files from my old white MacBook (which has FireWire 400) to the new MBP which does not. Luckily I was able to find a spare piece of Ethernet cable at work and use the migration... Read More
Laser Etched Sean Connery iPhone hits eBay
Struggling art student Andrew Mundy is selling his beloved Steve Jobs/Sean Connery iPhone on eBay. “i need the money really bad, typical art school student that needs money for books, rent, tuition, canvas, and everything else. So here goes, lets see where this takes me. im truly sad i have to part with my stevesyphone, but it has to be done. i just hope i have enough... Read More
Bill Jobs is one smart, rich, and disturbing looking man
Everyone knows Mac and PC users are so genetically different that they cannot produce offspring, but what if they could…? Celebrity Morphing decided to do the unthinkable, morph Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and see what their Proposition 8 love child might look like. Behold Bill Jobs. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the link! Read More
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