Theft - Macenstein - Page 3

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t sell MacBooks

Here’s something you’ll never see at a Microsoft retail store – a well-orchestrated “smash and grab” of desirable merchandise. I was going to try to make some lame joke about about “Windows Crashes even at the Apple Store”, but I guess since it is technically a door, I can’t. I think the open-air mall locations just aren’t working... Read More

iPod nano for just $49 (plus your Social Security Number)

Scoring an iPod nano for $100-off might seem like one of those deals that’s too good to be true, and guess what? It is. But that doesn’t mean that a bunch of people weren’t foolish enough to be taken in by this official-looking Apple clone of a site called that sprung up this morning. Yes, appearing in ads on Facebook early this morning,... Read More

“iFlighter Control” totally revamps the Flight Control genre

If you look quickly at these shots of the new game iFlighter Control you might foolishly think the game is a total rip-off of the wildly successful game Flight Control which has dominated the iTunes charts for months. But if you look closely, you’ll notice that the developers cleverly moved the pause button to the top of the screen from the bottom, thus totally changing the... Read More

Apple rips us off once again

In response to Apple’s 1 year app store celebration graphic, faithful Macenstein reader meggert writes: “didn’t you do something awhile back where you arranged a bunch of apps by color?” Quite right, meggert. The day was July 29th, 2008, and I was so bored I arranged all my iPhone’s icons by color (see below). Of course, I think now I pretty much... Read More

Pretty sure this dude can take what he wants

I think that little guy would be lucky if his iPod is all that guy took. I’m pretty sure that big guy could take the little fella’s pants, girlfriend, and house if he wanted. Still looking for a “Zune theft” poster… [via weegeebored on Flickr]  Read More

This app got approved

Once again, Apple’s crack team of app store approvers has done another stellar job. Behold Luigi vs. Pac, a game I ASSUME is a fully licensed joint venture of Nintendo and Namco who obviously were so overwhelmed with work they hired CSA Applications to create this game for them featuring two of their flagship characters. “Defat”? Luigi Vs Pac *************************************************************** CSA... Read More

This looks all kinds of stolen

I was somewhat surprised to see that Nintendo had released its first iPhone game today, the cult classic Donkey Kong, and even more surprised to see it only cost 99¢. Of course, a quick click revealed the game is not from Nintendo at all, but from a French developer called VeryGames. The first thing to tip me off was the splash screen image on iTunes. I don’t know which... Read More

Coincidencia? Or is the Mexican Government ripping off Apple?

Eagle eyed Faithful Macenstein reader Christian noticed a little potential Mac-infringement down Mexico way. “Doc, look at the image, its the pic of the infonavit (something like fannie mae or freddie mac, a house mortage corp operated by the government in mexico) they are using a variation of the finder logo in red -look center to the right the logo acts as an “A”... Read More

Chinese company releases Apple’s netbook for them

We Apple fanboys are used to pointing accusing fingers towards PC offerings that bear a striking similarity to Apple’s own. And as blatant as many of these “homages” to Apple’s design may be, for the most part these companies have been content to leave the theft at design cues and materials. However, in the wild west that IS Shenzhen, China, all bets are... Read More

Bernie “made off” with a MacBook Pro

(Get it? “Made off”? NO ONE’S made that joke before, right?) Ahh, the zoom lens. What would tabloid journalism do without it? Take a look at this shot from the February 20th episode of ABC’s 20/20. Above: Bernie Madoff, holed up in his NY apartment, reading Macenstein. Looks like we know where at least $2000 of Madoff’s clients’ money went… ... Read More


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