Irrefutable proof that the Mac Pro is overdue for a makeover
The Mac Pro’s design has remained virtually unchanged since its PowerMac G5 days, and while Apple has thus far been able to successfully ignore my daily pleas for a redesign, I think even they may now have to admit the design is a bit long in the tooth. After all, once Dell copies you, it pretty much sucks the cool out of the room. Kind of like when even the nerdiest kid... Read More
OMFG! Quicken is releasing new iMacs and Apple TVs!
If there’s one thing we Mac users love to see, it’s the “We’ll be Back Soon” Post-it note on the Apple store. Far more exciting than Christmas morning, the Post-it conjures up visions of futuristic, fusion-powered, levitating iMacs and Apple TVs that are useful without installing Boxee. Well, looks like Apple is taking so long with the new iMac and... Read More
Latest iPhone clone boasts unique feature
Currently one of the most watched items on eBay the $108.88 I68+ TOUCH SCREEN UNLOCKED I9 for T-MOBILE AT&T PHONE is one of the best iPhone clones we’ve seen, even if it IS a 1st gen clone. Above: Well, at least they took the Apple logo off, which is more than some clone makers did… Aside from the upside-down back and odd camera placement, you might think it... Read More
Police force woman to give up her iPod as cab fare
After 20 swipes of 20-year-old Nataie Lenhart’s credit card resulted in 20 “declined” messages, cab driver Mohammed Islam called 911. The responding officers to the “crime” scene (JFK International Airport) then proceeded to come up with one of the more bizarre (if not illegal) solutions to the problem – They forced Lenhart to give the cab... Read More
C’Mon Apple, really? (Part 2)
So, let’s go around the room and take a poll. How many of you think the company IndiaINC, LLC was hired by Disney to write the story of “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 1.0” for the iPhone? Anyone? I’m still not sure why the approval process for apps takes so long. Obviously no one is actually LOOKING at them… Read More
Apple reinvents the wheel – The Onion reinvents the Mactini
I love the Onion, I really do. In fact, I got a 2-year subscription to The Onion for Christmas. But check out the video below, and tell me if it looks familiar… Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard If you said “It’s basically is the same joke used in the Mactini video (below) done by the UK’s Peter Serafinowicz a couple weeks ago,”,... Read More
C’mon Apple, Really?
OK, this content theft on the iTunes app store really has to stop. I realize it’s warm and sunny in California most of the time, but are you telling me that whoever approves iPhone apps has never heard of The Grinch?! Above: The all new, totally original iPhone game “Catch The Gift” I mean for crying out loud, they even call him the Grinch by name! Can you Catch... Read More
Another “inspired” app hits the app store
Remember when the app store first launched, all those level apps that hit the store? It was quickly revealed that Apple shipped the source code to make a level app as part of the sample applications that come in the iPhone developer kit. All these people did in some cases was change the skin slightly (and in 1 notable case, not at ALL) and then they started selling it on iTunes. Well,... Read More
WooHoo is free today – still inexplicably on the iTunes store
And speaking of d’oh!… Well, I admit I was wrong. When I saw that someone was selling a Pillsbury Doughboy app on iTunes, I was sure it would have been pulled by the end of the week. Yet, here we are nearly 3 weeks later, and WhooHoo is still going strong. In fact, in honor of the creator’s birthday, Griffin Landa has decided to make WooHoo free for a limited time.... Read More
Dear Apple: Just admit there is no one actually looking at iTunes apps before approving them
I’m as big a fan of the Pillsbury Doughboy as you’re likely to find (I have gaudy bright blue Doughboy pajama pants AND a Doughboy oven mitt) but somehow the new iPhone app WhooHoo brings me more sadness than joy. From the app description: “Remember when you were a little child, watching TV, and the famous Pillsbury commercials would come on the screen? Here... Read More
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