WTF - Macenstein - Page 10

WTF?! Was Tim Cook wearing a Blackberry at today’s event?

Hmm… at an event some say was designed to show that Apple is composed of more company men than just Steve Jobs, it appears Tim Cook did not get the “There’s no Blackberry in Team” in memo. Joel Esler over at Random Thoughts from Joel’s World noticed that Tim appeared to have a Blackberry attached to his hip throughout today’s event. Now, it’s... Read More

Disney World’s Nazi Secret Uncovered by WikiMe?

So, I was at Disney World last week, and it being one of the few times I have ever left my house, I figured it would be an ideal chance for me to test out the WikiMe iPhone app. WikiMe is designed to use your iPhone’s GPS to figure out where you are and then use Wikipedia matches to give you information about local points of interest. Well, I certainly found this result interesting… ... Read More

Is being an “Apple Premium Reseller” that big of a deal in Poland?

This guy’s first job was as a “ball boy” at Wimbledon, but you don’t want to know where he put that tattoo. Speaking as someone who got a profanity-laden tattoo in college that I now regret, I think I can speak with some authority when I say… “YIKES!” Continue reading for some disturbing pics. Read More  Read More

“Unlimited number of iPods” = 5 iPods?

Faithful Macenstein reader Phelim ran into an interesting problem I had never heard of while copying music to his friend’s iPod. Apparently despite Apple’s claims that you can put DRM songs purchased via iTunes on “an unlimited number of iPods”, that isn’t always the case. Apparently there is a 5 user limit per iPod, meaning if you are like Phelim,... Read More

Macs don’t cause cancer… PEOPLE with Macs cause cancer!

Valleywag reports on the findings of a French publication called The Liberation of France which claims that Mac Pros emit leukemia-causing agents (such as Benzene) into the air when used. Multiple reports coming out of the Apple support forums mention strong toxic odors believed to be caused by “a protective resin coating on the RAM PCB’s and/or RAM riser card PCB’s... Read More

Steve Jobs High School opening in Mexico

Faithful Mexican Macenstein reader Christian alerts us that a new Technical High School will be opening in the city of Joquicingo, and it is being named after Steve Jobs (whether he likes it or not). “In Joquicingo at Mexico State the state government built a new school called Steve Jobs… I wonder if the real Steve knows about it? The sign reads: mexico state gov ... Read More

Tommy Smothers’ iPod charger invented

When Skynet becomes self-aware (at 2:01 am), odds are the robots will attempt to block out the sun so none of our solar-powered iPhone/iPod chargers will work, rendering us “tuneless”. However, one ingenious Swede has come up with the perfect foil for our soon-to-be robot overlords – may we present the iYo YOYO Induction Charger. iYO YOYO from Peter Muungano... Read More

Forget the iPhone apps, Apple needs to QC the Widgets!

OK, so am I crazy, or should Apple give some kid $10 an hour to weed through the widgets on its download site? Why is it so important to Apple to keep “crap” off our iPhones that actually took some effort and might actually be amusing to some people (like the Pull My Finger app that I know my kids would have loved) but it lets us put even lamer crap on our PCs? And... Read More

MacBook Pro destroyed with Axe at 300 fps

Have you ever wondered how a fight between a MacBook Pro and Cousin “Itt” from the Addams Family would have gone down? Well, get prepared to start wondering about something else, because we have your answer! Above: Warning! Contains extreme scenes of Mac abuse! Fanboys strongly cautioned! I’m thinking that this MacBook Pro may have died from natural causes before... Read More

Apple special – Buy 99¢ videos for the low price of $1.99

Faithful Macenstein reader Tim noticed some odd pricing when he clicked on the 99¢ Video button in his QuickTime player. Apparently Apple is selling about 2 pages of 99¢ videos for $1.99. Above: Looking for a deal? Keep looking. Here’s the link. Oddly, if you go through iTunes to the Music Video section and click on their 99¢ music videos box, you get a screen of... Read More


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