I don’t think I can remember a Macworld keynote in the last 7 or so years where the Apple Online store was still up and running for business as of 10 AM Eastern time, yet here we are. Is this a good or bad sign? Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Steve for the heads up! [UPDATE: Ahhh THERE we go!] Read More
When Steve Jobs says “Jump”, Phil Schiller asks “How High?”
When I heard Phil Schiller was going to deliver this year’s Macworld keynote speech, I admit I wasn’t all that excited. But all that’s changed after seeing this clip of Phil Schiller at Macworld 1999. Watch in amazement as Phil leaps from a 20 foot platform to demonstrate how tough the Tangerine iBook is (or, at least how tough the air mattress he lands on is).... Read More
Macworld’s “One More Thing”: Steve Jobs to be appointed Obama’s Chief Technical Officer?
Once every 200 years or so a piece of wishful thinking comes along that is so amazingly out there, so obviously pulled from someone’s ass, that you simply have to ask “What if?“. Obviously, 1809‘s wishful thinking (that The Treaty of the Dardanelles be signed at Chanak January 5 by representatives of Britain and the Ottoman Empire to affirm the principle... Read More
So… what constitutes “Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence”?
As any regular reader of Macenstein knows, I’m about he furthest thing you’ll find from a prude, but I just came across this new iPhone game called “Animals of Mass Destruction” and was a little surprised to see it has only a 9+ rating, citing “Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence“. Take a quick look at these 5 shots from the game (below).... Read More
Um, ewww…
OK now, you see?! This is precisely why Apple has been trying to make it so difficult to Jailbreak an iPhone. Faithful Macenstein reader Jeremy (apparently just to mess with our heads), has installed the BlackBerry Storm theme on his iPhone. Curse you Cydia!!!! Read More
The real reason Apple went with the unibody enclosure
While poking around in Apple’s support discussion forums, faithful Macenstein reader Nicholas stumbled across what we think might be the real reason Apple decided to pour its research dollars into developing the new unibody construction technique used in its new MacBooks and MacBook Pros. The post, entitled “MacBook Pro pulls out arm hair“, details the painful... Read More
Apple lets its Fart Flag fly
Earlier today we reported that Apple had finally allowed the controversial “Pull My Finger” app onto the iTunes store. The application, which is designed to play a humorous selection of fart sounds, had previously been denied iTunes acceptance due to “limited utility”. Well, it seems that Apple’s change of heart had little to do with any new “utility”... Read More
Do you LOVE music? I mean, REALLY love music? (NSFW)
Kids, look away! Look away right now. In fact, you know what, I think maybe EVERYONE should probably just look away… Don’t click on the picture, for the love of GOD! Read More Read More
Oh Snap! Barack Obama uses a Zune!?
OK, I realize there are many of you who would like to now take back your vote, but assuming you were able to remain conscious after reading that headline, I think there is some good we can take from this. Yes, Neal Santos over at CityPaper claims he got to jog next to the President elect (and his Secret Service detail) at his local healthclub this morning, and yes, according to... Read More
Please tell me this is Photoshopped
Actually, don’t. I want this picture to be real so bad it hurts. Does the Segway come with splash guards? Above: Maybe he should change his name to “The Wiz” If that is indeed Woz, and he is indeed pissing while on a Segway at a public urinal, he is officially Macenstein’s “Man of the Year”. If it’s Photoshopped, then the guy who did it... Read More
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