Enter to WIN: A set of Audioengine A2 speakers!
Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Jason! Just the speakers. 2008 iMac not included. Who like’s winning $200 speakers? Anyone? No? OK, I guess I’ll just have to keep these sweet Audioengine A2’s. It’s a shame, really, because I already have a pair, and they rock. Perhaps you remember my awesome YouTube video (below) of how their deceivingly powerful bass could blow down TWO of the Three Little (Canadian)... Read More
Are the new iPod nano’s experiencing battery problems?
Faithful Macenstein reader Norm writes: “Apple has now replaced my 3rd and 4th new iPod nano 16Gb multi-touch due to shortened battery life. Apple claims 23+ hours. All four nanos, purchased at 2 separate Apple NYC stores run completely down after only 5 to 5 1/2 hours of continuous music listening. No backlight on, no other functions were in use. Apple claims I am the first to bring this to their attention. I find that hard to believe! My stepdaughter just experienced... Read More
Review: IDAPT I3 – Our pick for the geeky Dad
This year anyone looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift for the tech obsessed Dad need look no further than the iDapt I3 charging station. Well, MY kids at least need look no further (and yeah, I suppose there might be a geeky Mom or two out there who would love it as well). The I3 is available in “Manly Pink”, as well as 8 other colors. Designed to minimize the cable clutter and outlet overload of today’s kitchens, the I3 get’s its name from... Read More
Review: Griffin TuneFlex AUX SmartClick for iPhone/iPod touch
In a perfect world, like above, the TuneFlex can position your iPhone perfectly. But not in the Camry… Lord knows the Toyota Camry has its problems, but all the highly publicized defect recalls and deaths are really taking away from the biggest problem the Camry has – namely that there is no decent way to mount an iPhone it it. I’ve tired suction cup mounts which are annoying to have on a window with the various cables hanging down, I’ve tried junky vent... Read More
“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 40 – A JBL ON STAGE 400P
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Paul. On the Fortieth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A JBL ON STAGE 400P ! Yes, the The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway is slowly winding down, but we’re going out with guns blazing! And speaking of blazing, your head will probably explode when you hear the blazing audio of the JBL ON STAGE 400P ! That is, assuming you win, which... Read More
“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 39 – A trio of iLuv 5th gen iPod nano cases
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Rob. On the Thirty-Ninth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A trio of iLuv iPod 5th gen nano cases! iLuv makes a ton of cool iPod cases, but their stylish new graphical cases for the 5th gen iPod nano are some of their best to date. Of course, it’s hard to pic a favorite, so you’re getting not one, not two, but THREE different styles of cases... Read More
How to get 3 free iPods with only a screw driver, a pair of scissors, and a bag of marshmallows
Damnit, I just threw out two VCRs on junk day! Read More
Apple’s most ironically named event, ever
Well, Apple’s “It’s only Rock ‘n Roll, but I like it” event has come to a close, and it had virtually nothing to do with Rock ‘n Roll, or even music in general. Sure, just about every announcement made today had something to do with the iPod, iPhone, or iTunes, yet it was all about apps, video cameras, price drops, and pedometers. So, what did Apple announce? Well, new iPod touches with more capacity, faster processors (presumably matching... Read More
Review: Scosche’s reviveLITE for iPhone/iPod
For years now I have been wanting to charge my iPods and iPhone in dark rooms, but I’ve just been too scared. Well, thanks to Scosche’s reviveLITE, I have been able to take back the night, and can now charge my iPhone with impunity! OK, that’s a little much. I was going to start this review out by making fun of how companies are adding iPod docks to just about anything these days –including night lights – but the reviveLight actually makes a little bit... Read More
A nano that can hold 47 trillion songs
Fashion designer Sir Paul Smith got a pretty cool birthday gift from his fellow Brit and BFF Jonathan Ive – a giant pink iPod nano. On a sad note, four seconds after this picture was taken the giant pink nano was lost in Paul Smith’s cluttered shit hole of an office. This is one of those cool things that as an Apple fanatic I see and think “Oh my God! That’s Awesome!” and then after looking around my house for a second, I think, “Where the hell... Read More
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