MacBook - Macenstein - Page 4

Can’t decide which MacBook event coverage to watch? Why not watch them all?!

Kind of like a sports bar on Sunday, 9to5Mac has created a Mac Geek’s “DirecTV” type viewing system where you can watch the MacBook event feeds from 4 different sites simultaneously. Coverage is available from Gizmodo, Engadget, ArsTechnica, and Computerworld. The page even auto-refreshes so you can just sit back and let your eyes bleed. While this is BRUTAL on a MacBook, it works just great on a 30-inch cinema display, so assuming you have one (or better yet,... Read More

The Top 5 reasons I feel the leaked MacBook photos are fake

The Mac rumor community has gotten so competitive these days that I am not surprised to see 9to5Mac and others have rushed to press with the latest “leaked photos” of the new MacBooks rumored to hit the Apple Store tomorrow. It appears a little thing called “fact checking” is the latest casualty in the race to “get the scoop”. Well, at the risk of adding some actual journalistic integrity to this media frenzy, I actually took 5 seconds and... Read More

Does Apple’s October 14th invite confirm the glass trackpad rumors?

Apple has finally (unofficially) confirmed the release of new MacBooks on October 14th via one of its trademarked “mysterious special event invitations that we never seem to get”. While conventional wisdom has it that the image on the invite is that of the back of the new 13-inch MacBook Apple will be selling us, faithful Macenstein reader Payton decided that everybody is being a little too lazy in taking the invite at face value. So he came up with a different... Read More

First fake “leaked” MacBook Pro hits the web

Thoughts? Personally, I find the Apple Store employee shirt a little much. We’re closing in to October 14th, so this should be the first of many. [via faithful Macenstein reader chalkartist via iphonesavior]  Read More

Apple’s “Brick” riddle, deciphered

Yes, we feel we’ve deciphered “The Brick” riddle – not that it helps actually clear up anything… Multiple sites are buzzing with news of a new Apple product, code named “The Brick” that could debut as early as October 14th. Speculation first began when 9to5Mac claimed to have an inside source which spoke about a mysterious new project Apple was working on code named “The Brick”. Unfortunately, aside from the name “The... Read More

MacBooks getting a sizable graphics boost next month?

Mac Soda claims to have the scoop on a new type of embedded graphics chipset the (alleged) new MacBooks coming out next month will be sporting. “YAWN! Embedded graphics again? Who cares?” you say? Well, yeah, but according to their sources, Apple is ditching Intel’s chipset in favor of one from a more reputable graphics card maker – namely, NVIDIA. “MCP7A-U is the top class chipset in the MCP7A family. Though it could be named as GeForce 9XXX,... Read More

Video: Waterproof spray-on coating for your iPhone, laptop

Probably the number one threat to iPhones is the dreaded “accidental toilet drop”. While all cell phones fear it, the iPhone is particularly at risk because users are often asked to shake the hell out of their iPhones when playing these games. It’s a recipe for “accidental toilet drop”-disaster. Well, Cape Cod-based Northwest Maritime Institute has come up with some sort of crazy high-tech, vacuum-applied spray coating for electronics that can coat... Read More

Review: DecoCases’ Alu-Magnesium Protection Case for MacBook is “heavy” on protection

Not too many people buy a MacBook thinking it will be as scratch and shock-resistant as a Panasonic ToughBook, but usually after a couple of days (and the first couple of scratches) many MacBook owners begin looking around the web for a laptop case of some sort. DecoCases’ Alu-Magnesium Protection Case for MacBook/MacBook Pro aims to offer the ultimate in laptop protection by more or less turning your MacBook into a ToughBook (well, on the outside at least). Let’s... Read More

Celebrity Mac chick sighting: Emily Scott

I’ll admit I am not overly familiar with Australian model Emily Scott, although I must say, she is making an excellent first impression on me in these MacBook iBook (whoops!) photos. Emily was apparently named as “Sexiest Aussie Babe” by FHM Australia, and I don’t doubt it (although I may have to book a trip to Australia to verify this). Above: How do you like THEM Apples?! [images via CelebFart] Read More  Read More

Geez, How many Macs does Jessica Simpson have??

In an effort to test just how much Jessica Simpson our readers can stomach, here is yet another shot of Miss Simpson holding an Apple laptop, this time a black MacBook. You may recall we spotted Jessica and her dog brandishing a MacBook Air just last month at the AirPort, and using an iPod a few months back. I know it’s cool to hate on Jessica, but I happen to be a big fan. Perhaps this is because I have never heard her sing or act outside of this Pizza Hut commercial... Read More


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