Microsoft Bashing - Macenstein

Portal 2 Blue screen of death

Among many other cool little Portal 2 spoilers, SuperPunch posted this awesome screenshot of a death most of us haven’t seen in a LOOOONG time. (OK, so it’s not an “official Windows” death screen, but it certainly ain’t a spinning beach ball).  Read More

Someone’s missing…

The Oatmeal’s take on yesterday’s Tech Summit with Obama, attended by Steve Jobs, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google Inc Chief Executive Eric Schmidt, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and other members of the Silicon Valley elite.. the Oatmeal via WhenWillApple  Read More

Wait, Steve Jobs dusts his own car? Times must be tough

Steve Jobs officially kills off the CD. Thanks to everyone who sent this in. Robot Chicken via everywhere  Read More

The French government hearts Windows, hates iOS and Android

Oh, those wacky French and their crazy laws… always good for a laugh. Remember that wacky “Copie Privée” levy the french slap on blank writeable media, under the assumption that it’ll be used to infringe copyright? Well, faithful Macenstein reader (and apparent Android Tablet owner) Mike tells us that the French government is looking to impose that same tax (of about $19) to each iPad and Android tablet sold, under the same assumption that people willing... Read More

Windows Phone 7 death grip

I’m SURE the press will jump on this story the way they did with Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issues. We fully expect an HTC special media event complete with bumper cases in the next month or so to try to quell the FLOOD of bad press this will garner from the 1000’s of media outlets who are furiously typing as we speak. OK, that was obviously a joke – no one is going to give a crap. via 9to5Mac  Read More

Apple costs Steve Ballmer half his bonus

I’ll post this under “OLD News”, but hey, it’s new to me. According to AppleInsider, a recent proxy filing to the SEC by Microsoft revealed that the Redmond company’s Compensation Committee awarded Ballmer “only” half of his potential 2009 bonus. Of course, half is still 100% of his annual salary, but it COULD have been 200%, which should be a sobering wake up call to the sweaty CEO. So, what caused Microsoft to slap Ballmer on his... Read More

This doesn’t look desperate at all

So apparently with Windows Phone 7 finally achieving RTM status, Microsoft decided to hold a funeral for the iPhone today, since there’s obviously no possible way Apple’s device will be able to compete with Redmond’s latest attempt to remain relevant. Sounds hilarious, right? And then they went a ruined it all with a Thriller Dance. Yes, nothing says “We’re the future” like playing a song from 28 years ago and having dancers reenact the video... Read More

Microsoft tells us why PCs are better than Macs

Microsoft has launched a new page comparing PCs to Macs, and guess who comes out on top? Let’s see if you can find six misleading statements hidden in Microsoft’s arguments below: (thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Billy for the tip!) Macs can take time to learn. The computer that’s easiest to use is typically the one you already know how to use. While some may say Macs are easy, the reality is that they can come with a learning curve. PCs running Windows... Read More

OH it’s ON!!! Bill Gates shares his outrageous opinions on the iPad!

Hold on to your hats folks, Bill Gates has broken his silence on the iPad and what he has to say is going to BLOW… YOUR… MIND. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but it rhymes with “No comment”. WORST… INTERVIEW… EVER. So why is it Bill Gates can’t actually give his opinion on anything? If I were Bill Gates I’d be out there giving my opinion on everything from Dancing with the Stars to the size of Heidi Montag’s new boobs,... Read More

Windows 7 Series Phone has arrived

[via the next web]  Read More


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