Hacks - Macenstein - Page 3

Not ALL the Macworld Keynote coverage was boring!

Uh oh, someone check and see if Malcor has an alibi! Macrumorslive had an unfortunate visit from the Hacker Fairy during its Macworld ’09 keynote coverage (see below). Above: Click to embiggen (warning, not for the kids). The stream was taken down after about 5 minutes, but it looked like it was going to be a pretty exciting Keynote, with quite a few exclusives on Steve Jobs’... Read More

Apparently it’s what’s on the OUTSIDE that counts

Yikes. Russian gadget customizer iCustom has done the unthinkable, (and probably the unsellable). They will now take your beautiful iPhone, rip off its shell, and replace it with a clear one, letting you and the world see what makes your iPhone tick. Unfortunately, it looks like the somewhere in the process you will lose your camera, but hey, that sucked anyway. [Gizmodo]  Read More

Hmmm… “Bogner Vision” looks suspiciously like a 24-inch iMac…

The famous German fashion company Bogner, best known for their ski fashions, has apparently begun branching out into the world of consumer electronics. Behold “Bogner Vision”. Actually, that’s just a 24-inch iMac that Bogner decided to modify with their logo to run their store displays. I guess one way to subliminally let your customers know you overcharge for... Read More

Well, it beats changing your name to QWERTY

Faithful Macenstein reader Caius was faced with a problem. He knew he was a Mac Genius, but couldn’t think of a way to let the world know. So, being the resourceful genius he is, he did a little letter swapping on his aluminum keyboard, and: WOW. Will obviously knows how to touch-type. This isn’t the first time Caius decided to take apart a Mac’s keyboard in... Read More

Axiotron Modbook gets some product placement lovin’

Eagle-eyed faithful Macenstein reader Aaron noticed what appears to be the first example of Modbook product placement in Hollywood. A recent episode of Sci-Fi’s new show Sanctuary sported a scene where Henry shows Dr. Magnus one of those annoyingly over thought Hollywood computer-type OS’s that could never exist, and it appears to be running on a Axiotron Modbook. Now,... Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Hannah Montanna… err… Miley Cyrus

Cyber hacker extraordinaire trainreq apparently hacked into Miley Cyrus‘ iPhone last month and found some semi-racy photos she has taken of herself last year meant for Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers. Given her Vanity Fair debacle, Miley should really stay clear of cameras. If you don’t know who any of these people are, you are more lucky than you know. Unfortunately,... Read More

Nice tagline. Now let’s see them try to trademark it

Well, either iHome’s website got hacked, or they have just decided to adopt one of the most ballsy taglines for an electronics company we’ve ever seen. Forget “Sync with Style”, FTW just flows off the tongue better. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Rowlings for the tip!  Read More

Psystar looks to grab its 16th minute of fame with its new Xserve clones

Oh Psystar, you incorrigible little rascal of a company! Despite largely unfavorable reviews of its Open Computer desktop which runs a hacked version of OS X Leopard, Psystar has decided to bring it special brand of loud and unreliable hacked Mac clones to the workplace. Behold the OpenServ 1100 and OpenServ 2400. Like Psystar’s $400 desktop offering, the OpenServ 1100 ($1599.99)... Read More

Watch Woz jailbreak Kathy Griffin’s iPhone

This is likely old news, as Woz and Kathy Griffin have been broken up for months, but since I doubt anyone has ever watched Kathy’s “My Life on the D-List” show, this is likely new to you. In fact, this clip running on our site might represent Kathy’s highest ratings to date. Chicks are obviously drawn to the “bad boy”, and you don’t get... Read More

Scary-ass eBay find – Fans of “Engrish” rejoice!

Faithful Macenstein reader Richard Neville writes: Hi Doc, Just sitting here at the ‘ol office at 11pm waiting for memory scans to finish so I thought I’d start eBay’ing. In my quest for all things Apple, I found this gem: As beautiful as the visual is, as with all items originating in Hong Kong, the item description is better. Description: – 100% Brand... Read More


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