Not Cool - Macenstein - Page 9

Microsoft: “Beta test Windows Live Hotmail, or we’ll pop a cap in yo’ ass!

Faithful Macenstein reader Phil writes: “Hi Doc, see what I have just received. An email from a friend of mine who uses MSN Hotmail. Yes, despite of that he’s still a friend. The footer of the email contained this image: Now is Microsoft trying to earn street cred with this wannabe gangsta clipart? lol Just wanted to share…Cheers, Phil” The really sad thing... Read More

Tiny Code says it was all a hilarious joke. Get it?

iPhone Atlas reports that Tiny Code’s iPhone firmware 1.1.4 “leak” was apparently “a joke” perpetrated by Kelly from Tiny Code, for reasons known only to Kelly, but we’re betting it has something to do with Kelly being a tool. “Tiny-Code never had any relations with Apple, Inc. or any other division of Apple. Never had the new firmware... Read More

How can the most powerful woman on the planet not support the most powerful web browser?

That’s it! I am canceling my all 4 of my subscriptions to O magazine! (I like to keep 3 pristine copies of every issue in a humidity controlled chamber). As is we needed further proof that Oprah is evil… Faithful Macenstein reader Kelly was shocked to find that hates Safari (and we were shocked to find Kelly visited!) “ does not... Read More

No FireWire on the MacBook Air unfortunately means no Target Disc mode

I was reading an interesting post over at Apple Matters detailing Gregory Ng‘s recent trouble diagnosing a hardware issue he was having on his new MacBook Air. The main problems he was having revolved around the Air’s lack of multiple USB ports, and Ng paints a funny picture of his dealings with an Apple support rep. But Ng’s USB problem got me to thinking of... Read More

WTF? – Apple Drops Out of NAB 2008

Apple, who has traditionally had one of the largest booths at the NAB Tradeshow, has announced it will not be purchasing a booth at the event this year. “Apple is participating in fewer trade shows this year,” said Anuj Nayar, senior manager of PR at Apple. “Often there are better ways to reach our customers. The increasing popularity of our retail stores and... Read More

Mick Jagger is dead to me

That’s right. He’s dead to me. I will no longer be returning his calls, and he knows why. And so does anyone who watched the Super Bowl last night (which was, by the way, the best Super Bowl ever). If you happened to have missed it, here’s why… First, let me start by saying I actually understood when the Rolling Stones lent their “Start Me Up”... Read More

NBC shows on Amazon for $1.89. Was Apple lying?

Above: Where’s the rampant price gouging we thought NBC was insisting on? Remember back during the whole NBC/Universal pulling out of iTunes debacle a few months back, Eddy Cue, Apple’s vice president of iTunes, made this famous quote? “We are disappointed to see NBC leave iTunes because we would not agree to their dramatic price increase. We hope they will... Read More

Apple delays Apple TV “Take 2” software

Apple’s “MacBook Air Now Shipping” announcement had a bit of bad news hidden insde. “CUPERTINO, California—January 30, 2008—Apple® today announced that MacBook Airâ„¢, the world’s thinnest notebook, is now shipping. MacBook Air measures an unprecedented 0.16-inches at its thinnest point, while its maximum height of 0.76-inches... Read More

OK, This is getting REALLY annoying

Anyone out there figure out way to mark all messages as “read” in the iPhone’s e-mail app yet? Or to delete more than one message at a time? Looking very much forward to 1.1.3… 🙁  Read More

Urban Legend or Urban Fact? – Steve Jobs and the squishy MacBook

Urban legends are usually thought of as pretty cool, quite often involving escaped maniacs and hook-hands stuck to the side of car doors, but even we geeks have urban legends. I learned one such tale today, told to me by a Mac Genius on a trip to the Apple Store, and if you think you are brave enough, pull up a round bean bag chair, and I will tell it to you now. About 5 hours after... Read More


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