Rumors - Macenstein - Page 2

4 Apple rumors that everyone needs to shut up about

If there’s one thing we Apple fanboys love more than Apple gear, it’s rumors about new Apple gear. However, often times these rumors are little more than someone stating the obvious, or worse, REstating the already stated, just with a slightly adjusted (but still vague) future date. Somehow, despite providing no new information or hard evidence (photos, prototypes),... Read More

456th analyst predicts Verizon iPhone – I am SOOO excited!

Seriously, if Apple doesn’t release a Verizon iPhone soon, I think I’M going to. Not that I have any plans to jump ship to Verizon, but I am just so sick of a new analyst predicting the Verizon iPhone every 4 months. Today it was Susquehanna Financial Group analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro‘s turn. Fidacaro claims his sources are saying Apple plans to begin production... Read More

Steve Jobs: American Ninja

UPDATE: Crap! Apple actually has released a statement saying this never happened. Faithful Macenstein reader Xber Druid points us to an article that is so awesome, so utterly rich in the potential to become part of Steve Jobs’ folklore that I don’t even care if it’s true, I’m going to say it is. It just HAS to be. According to the Japanese Magazine Spa!,... Read More

Did Steve Jobs accidentally announce the iPad 2 for this November?

Faithful Macenstein reader Philipp noticed something that we missed when watching yesterday’s Special Event – namely Steve Jobs apparently letting slip that the iPad is getting a camera in November. Check out around 15:27 in his speech: That’s right, Steve says HDR photos are coming to the iPad this November! So, does that mean the iPad is getting a camera in two... Read More

Gamblers put even money on updated iPhone 4 tomorrow

According to the good folks over at, who specialize in providing off-beat gambling odds, there’s an even chance that we might see a retooled iPhone tomorrow, among other things. I’ll admit I am the worst gambler ever, having literally lost the shirt of my back at one point (a sweet Def Leppard Hysteria tour concert-only exclusive) but I would say the... Read More

Is Apple gunning for Exchange Server with the new iCal beta?

Well, our good friends over at The Cat Convention think so. According to the site, new evidence in the MobileMe beta is pointing towards Apple trying to get CalDAV, its preferred calendaring implementation, not only into the hands of MobileMe users, but Microsoft Outlook users as well. Since CalDAV is the calendaring format of choice for Apple’s Snow Leopard Server, TCC... Read More

Putting the latest Verizon iPhone rumor into perspective

Call me crazy, but I just can’t seem to get too excited about the latest Verizon iPhone rumor… (headlines via MacRumors) Sure, eventually someone’s going to be right… but can’t we just wait for an official announcement?  Read More

Conspiracy Theorists Unite!! The Black Helicopters Are Circling!!

Additive Tips is reporting that, (according to a “trusted source inside Apple”), Apple is now working with AT&T to check iOS 4 iPhones every 7-14 days or so via through OTA (over-the-air) updates to see if they’re jailbroken, and if so, it will relock them and place the users on a blacklist. “How it works is every 7 to 14 days We (Apple) and AT&T... Read More

Screenshots of AutoCad for Mac surface – reportedly “Works like $#!%”

Our good friends over at TheAppleLounge have received some screenshots of a beta of AutoCad running on the Mac. According to the user, the software “va una chiavica”, which loosely translates to “works like shit”. But it’s a very very early beta, so we predict by next month it will have progressed to working like crap.  Read More

Is ThinkSecret’s Nick DePlume looking to make a Mac Rumor comeback?

ThinkSecret’s Nick DePlume, apparently at a very unpopular cafe. It was just over two years ago that the infamous Mac Rumor site ThinkSecret was forced by Apple legal to shut its doors, presumably forever. However, it appears that TS founder Nick Ciarelli (aka Nick DePlume) now finds HIMSELF in the middle of a rumor – namely that he might be trying to get back into... Read More


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