That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 2

Baby your iPhone with this umbilical cord iPhone charger

This just goes to show you that with a few billion people on the planet, virtually ANY idea will eventually come to fruition. Case in point, interactive media artist Mio I-zawa‘s umbilical cord iPhone charger. I would expect we should see this in Apple’s retail stores in time for the holiday shopping season. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jonathan for the tip! via... Read More

As if I needed another reason to steer clear of museums…

Well, I can take some solace in that apparently the Museum Administrators have to walk a good distance to use the bathroom. via We Love Apple  Read More

Steve Jobs: American Ninja

UPDATE: Crap! Apple actually has released a statement saying this never happened. Faithful Macenstein reader Xber Druid points us to an article that is so awesome, so utterly rich in the potential to become part of Steve Jobs’ folklore that I don’t even care if it’s true, I’m going to say it is. It just HAS to be. According to the Japanese Magazine Spa!,... Read More

Facebook app rips off the MySpace experience

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Aimee for the tip!  Read More

iPhone vs. The Bermuda Triangle

Faithful Macenstein reader Kevin writes: The compass inside my iPhone 3GS began to go haywire as I stepped into foot-deep water in the Bermuda Triangle today. This is some real X-Files s–t going on here, man! Now, to be fair I’ve had my iPhone’s compass tell me this while standing in my driveway in NJ, but then again, some freaky stuff goes down in Jersey too.  Read More

I guess didn’t get the memo

Given that Walmart is selling brand new 16 GB iPhone 3G S‘s for $97, I can’t help but think is being a little optimistic by setting a “5 per customer” limit on these refurbished 8GB iPhone 3G’s for $400 (although this would certainly bode well for me selling my 3Gs on eBay in a month…). AT&T only? Thanks to faithful Macenstein... Read More

OK, that’s just eerie…

I suppose with the amount of Words with Friends I’ve been playing odds are I would eventually find words spelled out for me in my tile rack, but as a Mac geek, I thought this was pretty bizarre. And yes, this was one of the few games I actually won.  Read More

ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS! Save $440 off this fart app! ACT NOW!

Despite being a “day one” iPhone owner, I somehow was able to resist buying any of the farting apps, even though in the beginning, that’s all there was. Well, OK, there was Super Monkey Ball, a couple virtual lighter apps, and then the fart apps. And while I like to pride myself on my fart-app resisting fortitude, I may crack under the pressure of this AMAZING... Read More

Steve Jobs cheese head probably tastes AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, and MAGICAL

…Or gross. There IS a lot of pepper on that beard… When Ken over at The Cook’s Den needed something special to spice up his iPad launch party, his thoughts naturally turned to carving Steve Jobs’ head out of cheese. Above: Much like the iPad, Steve’s “Magically” delicious! A self-described Apple fanboy, Ken has not only graciously posted... Read More

Detective Munch denies choking Apple Store employee

Richard Belzer‘s “Detective Munch” character holds the distinction of being the only fictional character (played by a single actor) to appear on eight different television shows, and it looks like that number could go up to 9, assuming you count Apple Store security footage. Earlier this week Belzer was accused by NY Apple Store employee Milan Agnew of assault... Read More


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