That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 6

Does Jailbreaking lead to better Wi-Fi?

So, does Jailbreaking improve Wi-Fi reception, or does the iPod touch just have a MUCH better Wi-Fi antennae than the iPhone? That is the question posed by faithful Macenstein reader Brian: “I was visiting family last weekend and my wife’s cousin pulled out his jailbroken first gen iPod Touch to show me the apps he had installed. I had my 3G iphone with me and when we... Read More

The only thing nerdier than comic books is…

…Comic books about computer inventors! Being a nerd who is into both comic books and computer inventors, I don’t know how I missed out on this 1984 Japanese comic book about how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed Apple Computers. My only excuse is that I was about 4-years-old when it came out and roughly 8,900 miles away. Apparently, Jobs and Wozniak met when a fateful... Read More

Windows BSoD takes the Gold at the Beijing Olympics

Faithful Macenstein reader Adam Davie sent us these shots he found on the River Cool forums showing that once again, Windows’ Blue Screen of Death has crashed another event, this time the Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympics Games. Above: hmm… maybe no one will notice… Perhaps this is simply Microsoft’s idea of “product placement”, as... Read More

Wow, Samsung has some pretty big balls

Hypothetical question for you… If you were going to make an iPhone clone, and you had gobs of money to hire ANY musical group in the world to appear in your commercial, would you think it would be a good idea to choose a group with the name of your main competitor in the title? Well, Samsung apparently did for their new Instinct ad (below) featuring “The Apples in Stereo”‘s... Read More

The iPhone “stowaway” playlist glitch

Hey kids, here’s something fun to try! Connect your iPhone to iTunes, and then hit the little arrow that shows you what your iPhone thinks you have synced. On mine, despite only having 4 playlists set to sync in iTunes, the iPhone thinks I have 17 playlists on it. Above: I only have 4 playlists checked to sync, yet the iPhone is showing me 17 in iTunes. When I actually... Read More

Apple breeds new race of international iPhone salesmen

Wanna see something creepy? Not quite “dead body” creepy, but up there… In taking a look at the various international iPhone 3G “Guided Tour” videos on Apple’s sites, one thing quickly becomes obvious – In addition to all the R&D time Apple spends on hardware and software, it appears they also have a rather healthy gene-splicing division.  That’s... Read More

The 21 Worst Apple-themed wallpapers ever

“Good Art” is a subjective thing, but really bad art? Well, that’s universal. In order to prove the point that it takes more than simply a copy of Photoshop to make a well-designed desktop wallpaper, we have compiled a list of the top 21 worst Apple-themed Desktop wallpapers to help serve as teaching tool for aspiring desktop artists. We defy you to imagine using... Read More

Let’s hope FOX NEWS doesn’t release a 3G microphone this July

On the 1 year birthday of the iPhone, we thought a trip down memory lane was in order. Remember all the craziness surrounding the iPhone’s initial launch? Big crowds, professional line-sitters, street magicians pretending their iPhone had X-Ray abilities? Well, for me what sticks out as the craziest moment of the launch was when FOX NEWS anchor Laura Ingles was mugged while... Read More

Citation needed

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – you just can’t trust Wikipedia, kids. Faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay sent in the below shot taken from Steve Jobs’ bio (since corrected). See if you can spot the error: Early Years Jobs was born in San Francisco and was adopted by Justin and Clara (née Hagopian) Jobs of Mountain View, Santa... Read More


Last week coming back from a business trip, we had a little accident about 25,000 feet up. The battery in our 17-inch MacBook Pro exploded, literally. In hindsight I think we were lucky we weren’t taken in as Al-Qaeda, but all we could think at the time was “Sweet! finally something went wrong within the 1-year warranty!” (We got our new battery today). [UPDATE:]... Read More


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