That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 7

Apple’s Cinema Displays web page is as long in the tooth as the displays themselves

Apple’s Cinema Displays are currently holding the record for “Longest Apple Product Still for Sale Without an Update”. At a whopping 439 days since the last update, many sites have predicted refreshes to the line of one sort of the other for the past 4 major Apple events, yet thus far, the displays have remained unchanged. Other sites have taken the oposite view,... Read More

I just registered my “dummy” iPhone

Above: Don’t bother, I already registered it. Remember a couple weeks back I reviewed that “dummy” iPhone from USB Fever? The company claimed aside from the actual “working parts”, it was a real iPhone made from the same OEM parts as the real iPhone. Well, yesterday I was showing it to a friend at work, and I joked how it would be funny to take the... Read More

“Get Smart” and THE ROCK at the Apple Store tomorrow

If you are one of the 4 people (not including Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway’s parents) who is looking forward to seeing the new Get Smart movie, you’re in luck (assuming you live in Santa Monica, CA, that is). Faithful Macenstein reader Gemma tells us there will be a special meet and greet/ clip screening with Get Smart director Peter Segal and former wrestler turned... Read More

Studying the effects of centrifugal force on the MacBook Air

I’m a big fan of people with useless talents, mainly because they make me feel better about myself. After all, I may have no talent, but then I didn’t waste all my free time practicing something that is ultimately pointless. One such useless but admittedly entertaining talent (when put into a compilation reel, at least) is Peter’s ability to spin almost any flat... Read More

WTF is up with those Mac Pros?

Is it just me, or is there something odd about the way Apple’s Mac Pro 1 and 2 are showing up at the Cambridge Apple Store network? Looks like Apple accidentally leaked their new 8-core MacBook Pros! 🙂 j/k Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader iPhelim for the pic!  Read More

iPhone vs. Mac OS X – Who has the correct forecast?

I noticed something odd when checking the weather today on my iPhone and my laptop… Above: My iPhone says I am in for a sucky week. Above: Leopard says I have a sunnier future. Does anyone else find it odd that Apple uses 2 different services for Weather? The iPhone uses Yahoo (which uses the Weather Channel) and Leopard apparently uses AccuWeather. (For the record, at... Read More

Is Apple in bed with the mob on the 3G iPhone?

Mobile carriers have long used strong-arm tactics to charge more for 3G data plans, but we never thought the mob was behind it. Until now… Faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandalay has uncovered a conspiracy of Jimmy Hoffa-like proportions. Above: Yes, anyone can edit it. Apparently, if one Googles the term 3G, they are presented with the shocking truth that no one at AT&T... Read More

And he couldn’t have done it without his iPhone

Above: Is it just me, or does Blaine’s magical “blue ball” look familiar…? David Blaine set a new world’s record live on the Oprah Winfrey show last week for the amount ot time a human being can hold his breath, and he owes it all to his iPhone. Well, his iPhone, and the can of pure oxygen he crammed his lungs with before the stunt. Oh, and an insane... Read More

No wonder UK iPhone sales were slow

Faithful Macenstein reader Steven Haskayne has sent us a picture that may explain why UK iPhone sales weren’t all that stellar. “Here is a shot of a 4gb iPhone on display on an o2 store uk (Abington street Northampton). You can see that it is a 4gb, thought it might spark some debate as some people are happy with 4gb (I personally will only be happy with 32, but even... Read More

Apple’s “Word of the Day” Screensaver – keeping us all equally smart

I noticed this yesterday, and thought, this has “slow news day” written all over it. Above: Odds are your Words of the Day today (Sunday, April 20th, 2008) are glengarry, reflexology, aperient, alopecia, and Houdini. Like any true Mac geek, I have 3 Macs in my living room. When looking over at an old G4 PowerMac which had been left idle, I noticed that the word on... Read More


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