Theft - Macenstein - Page 5

Debunking the “Hot Naked Mac Girl With Apple Stickers All Over Her” myth

About once every 5 months or so, someone comes across the picture below of an insanely hot girl covered in Apple-related stickers, and submits it to Digg. Now, as fans of Mac Chicks, we can obviously appreciate the appeal of this shot, however, as fans of REAL Mac Chicks, we also feel it is our duty to debunk a fake Mac Chick when we see one. To that end, we present you with... Read More

OK, am I being fanboy…?

….or does this Wriggley’s Slim Packs gum commercial I just saw on the VMA’s just 15 minutes ago… look more than a little like this iPod nano commercial? I don’t know, if Lugz could threaten Apple with legal action for ripping them off with their Eminem commercial, then I think Apple’s got a case against Wriggley’s. I mean, check out the... Read More

iPhone clones still kicking it “old school”

If you are one of those people who think the iPhone 3G’s industrial design isn’t quite up to the beautiful brushed aluminum standards set by the 1st gen iPhone, don’t worry. Have we got the phone for you! Above: Nope, that’s not the iPhone, folks. I caught a bit of flack for comparing Lian Li’s XB01 Xbox case to that of the Mac Pro, but if anyone says... Read More

Hide your Xbox 360’s shame with Lian Li’s Mac Pro rip-off case

Odds are if Apple ever decided to resurrect the Pippin and it would look more like the Apple TV or a Wii than a Mac Pro, but still, for hard core Mac gamers who are desperately trying to forget they enjoy playing games on a Microsoft console, case maker Lian Li has the answer. Their XB01 case for the Xbox is more than a little reminiscent of the long-in-the-tooth-styling of the... Read More

Let’s hope FOX NEWS doesn’t release a 3G microphone this July

On the 1 year birthday of the iPhone, we thought a trip down memory lane was in order. Remember all the craziness surrounding the iPhone’s initial launch? Big crowds, professional line-sitters, street magicians pretending their iPhone had X-Ray abilities? Well, for me what sticks out as the craziest moment of the launch was when FOX NEWS anchor Laura Ingles was mugged while... Read More

Dell’s new “Dell Dock” looks familiar

Gizmodo has posted shots of Dell’s new “Dell Dock” that is shipping on all new Studio Laptops. I know, I know, someone is going to point out that Linux has had a dock even before OS X, but Apple invented putting Jolly, candy-like buttons in it! Besides, do you think Dell is copying Linux?  Read More

Forget Psystar, why isn’t Apple suing THESE guys?

OK, WTF? Take a look at gOS, the “Linux operating system designed for the 100,000,000 MySpace users”, and tell me if you see anything that looks familiar… Stacks? Check. Dock? Check. Space theme? Check. Still stumped? A quick read through of gOS’s feature description provides some more clues… Linux meets MySpace With a stunningly beautiful interface... Read More

Is there only one way to write “me”?

Maybe Apple figured that since only my sister-in-law bought Windows Me, no one would notice that their new “mobile me” service bears a striking resemblance to the Me logo. Well, eagle-eyed flickr user hotmilkgreentea has blown the whole “Me” font thing wide open, and is calling Apple out. Surely there is another “happy” font to write “me”... Read More

Apple legal shuts down iPhone clone sellers – is Psystar next?

Redferret reports that Apple’s legal team has been shutting down UK distributors who have been selling Chinese iPhone clones, the most recent of which is the company Digital Playworld. DP’s managing director Simon Rimmer claims Apple “came at me all guns blazing, big bully boy tactics” . Above: video of China’s C-002 HiPhone. Gee, I don’t see... Read More

Oh the irony… Psystar’s Open Mac clones now being cloned?

In a strange turn of events, it would seem as though the rip-offER has become the rip-offEE. Just minutes after the report that Psystar has finally gotten its online store back open and is ready to start shipping out that Open Macs, oh, excuse me, Open Computers, faithful Macenstein reader Mathew lets us know that Psystar now has some competition (well, in France, at least). A .Mac... Read More


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