Microsoft Bashing - Macenstein - Page 7

Write a caption, win a prize

[THANK YOU, WE HAVE A WINNER. THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED] Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo. If we think it’s the most clever, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate. The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Monday (April 14th) at 9PM EST.... Read More

Microsoft enters the chip business – “potato”, not “micro”

Wow, this recession must have Microsoft worried. Check out their latest efforts to diversify their product line! From Egypt, the land where copyright law is apparently as prevalent as snow pants, comes Windows brand ketchup-flavored potato chips. And of course, what better way to wash those delicious chips down than with a can of delicious Windows soda? Well, at least it’s natural… Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Stian for the tipi! [via GEARFUSE]  Read More

History: Bill Gates’ Windows Media Center Blooper

digg_url = '; Sure, Steve’s had his share of keynote bloopers, but for some reason I find it endlessly more fascinating to watch Bill Gates squirm during this classic piece of tape during the CES debut of Windows Media Center. He looks like a little boy in that giant chair, fresh from being removed from a highschool locker. The video is a study in douche chills. One of the most interesting things... Read More

Turns out the latest “Mac security hole” does Windows

You play with FireWire, you’re gonna get burned… Remember that “critical” Mac OS security exploit we told you about last week? Well as it turns out, it isn’t just a problem for the Mac. Windows XP is apparently vulnerable as well, and Windows users may actually have more to worry about than we Mac geeks. Read More  Read More

MSN Messenger once again discriminating against .Mac users

Well, it looks like Microsoft is once again discriminating against .Mac users who want to use MSN Messenger. You may recall that back in September people with “” e-mail addresses who tried to login in to Messenger were forced to change their e-mail to something else like, oh I don’t know “hotmail” in order to receive messages. Well, faithful Macenstein reader Brethil tells us that for the past 10 days, history is repeating itself. Apparently... Read More

Microsoft: “Beta test Windows Live Hotmail, or we’ll pop a cap in yo’ ass!

Faithful Macenstein reader Phil writes: “Hi Doc, see what I have just received. An email from a friend of mine who uses MSN Hotmail. Yes, despite of that he’s still a friend. The footer of the email contained this image: Now is Microsoft trying to earn street cred with this wannabe gangsta clipart? lol Just wanted to share…Cheers, Phil” The really sad thing is it looks like Phil’s friend actually had to add that graphic to his Hotmail signature... Read More

On Macworld Eve: Two more nails in Vista’s coffin

With Apple Fanboyism running at an all time high, I hesitated writing this article as I feared some of my fellow Mac-heads’ brains might implode from the euphoria caused by reading any anti-Microsoft news so close to the Stevenote… but ultimately I figured I would risk it in the interest of pseudo journalism. So, be warned, if you are feeling particularly pro-Apple, you may want to strap on a helmet before proceeding, as this news could blow… your… mind... Read More

A search engine that sucks (in a good way)

If you’re a glass-half-empty kind of person (like me), odds are you are annoyed by all the optimistic results traditional search engines provide. For instance, type “iPod” into Google, and you’ll be presented with Apple’s iPod site, iLounge, iPod Hacks, etc. All pretty rosy, pro-iPod sites. But, what if you were looking to buy an iPod for the first time, and wanted to know the types of potential problems you might encounter? You’d have to scroll... Read More

Video: Microsoft Monopoly

EDIT: The JibJab embedded video was screwing with our page, so if you want to see the video (it’s pretty funny), check it out directly here: Ever wonder what Bill Gates would sound like with Canadian accent? Canadian sketch comedy show Air Farce put together this excellent piece of Microsoft bashery some time ago, but I only recently stumbled across it, so it’s new to me. Enjoy.  Read More

The Chicken or the Egg?

Faithful Macenstein reader and FileMaker wizard Jon Rosen pointed our radar towards a Gizmodo post we somehow missed, showing the evolution of both the Apple and Windows OS’s throughout the years. We’re not going to say much about this, aside from that Microsoft are a bunch of no good, thieving, dirty, rotten, photocopying, scoundrels! Read More  Read More


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