iPhone users: If you can’t join ’em, beat em
It looks like Apple may finally be catching a break on all that bad publicity surrounding the rash of “iPod muggings” in recent years. Unfortunately, the break may come at the expense of news of some new iPhone muggings. According to MacBlogz, Ohio police are looking for the “person” (and I use the term loosely) who is shown in the below video brutally attacking... Read More
OK, now this is just getting embarrassing
Remember a couple weeks ago when I accidentally washed and dried my iPhone headphones? Miraculously, despite being somewhat crinkly, they appeared to work just fine. Well, for about a week anyway. After a week or so the left earbud began emitting a horrible static sound about 80% of the time, so it was off to the Apple store for another $20 pair of earbuds. Well, wouldn’t... Read More
Above: (Top) Steve delivering the Macworld Keynote in January. (Bottom) Steve delivering the WWDC Keynote in June. Wow. That’s a tough 5 months. Given Steve’s past bouts with the big “C”, is anyone else worried? Read More
Steve Ballmer gets egged in Budapest
Well, contrary to what you might think, I actually don’t find much funny about this video. I think losers like this egg-throwing whack-o and the guy who threw a pie at Bill Gates pretty much define the word “tool”. No, instead I post this video so we can all see that while the guy sitting NEXT to the egg-throwing tool appears to be a MacBook user, it also appears... Read More
WTF is up with iTunes’ Audio Book pricing?
Faithful Macenstein reader Kelly writes: “iTunes song purchases are $0.99, TV shows are $1.99, movie rentals are about $3.99, movie purchase are around $14.99, BUT WHY ARE AUDIO BOOKS SO EXPENSIVE???? THEY COST $29.95!!!” I’m not sure, Kelly. Must be the cost or replanting all those virtual trees they had to cut down to make the audiobook? To be fair, I’ve... Read More
Why won’t celebrities buy a F*$%ing case for their MacBooks?
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Why_won_t_celebrities_buy_a_F_ing_case_for_their_MacBooks; OK. This is now getting ridiculous. Why can’t celebrities take proper care of their MacBooks? First Jennifer Aniston, then Heather Graham. OK, they’re just girls, what do they know? (just kidding, ladies!) But now here we have George Clooney and Jude Law both dangerously... Read More
Why you probably shouldn’t check this box
Ever since getting my MacBook, my Mac Pro has been sitting in the basement, a bit neglected. Its sole job these days is to record Howard Stern off Sirius and throw bookmarkable audio files into iTunes for me. I use Audio Hijack from Rogue Amoeba to handle the recordings, and I had read last month that apparently the latest 10.5.2 update and/or Leopard security update were causing... Read More
How can there be a Flying Spaghetti Monster if it allows THIS to happen?
This story is tragic enough to make even the most resolute disciple question their faith in the almighty, be it God, Jeebus, or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Above: Well, at least the thieves won’t be able to listen to it. iHate PCs reports that an autistic teen’s iPod was stolen after he showed it to friends at school. The teen in question, Cody Scetto, had saved... Read More
New “unlimited” iPhone plan has same old embarrassing SMS limits
As someone with no friends, the basic 450 minute iPhone calling plan with its 200 text messages is more than adequate for my needs. However, each time I go to the movies (by myself) I notice the throngs of teens (with friends) text messaging each other, quite often texting the person sitting next to them. It actually seems these days that text messaging is more important in a... Read More
STILL with the combo drive!?! REALLY?!?
REALLY? Seriously?!? Why not add an $800 “floppy drive” model if the optical drive is so expensive? Read More
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