Software - Macenstein - Page 8

Adobe misses its first Leopard compatibility deadline

“We expect to publish free Leopard compatibility updates for the video applications in December 2007” – Adobe Remember back right around the time when Leopard was due to be released, Adobe put out this PDF meant to scare educate potential Leopard buyers as to possible incompatibilities between Apple’s new OS and Adobe’s CS3 Suite of apps? In it, Adobe... Read More

RIP: Netscape Navigator dies with a whimper

Hey, remember Netscape Navigator? If you were born after 1988 or so, odds are you don’t. Navigator was the first real web browser for the masses, and gave Microsoft’s Internet Explorer the closest thing to a run for its money any browser was able to in the mid 90’s. All Macs shipped with Netscape Navigator as the default web browser until the infamous 1997... Read More

BBC: “These amps go to 11”

Apple may be trying to save their customer’s hearing, but the BBC is giving a big middle finger salute to the Tinnitus foundation in the form of the new Mac version of their BBC iPlayer. That’s right, the Mac player’s volume goes up to “11”. Take that, Spinal Tap! Luckily, since the BBC only lets UK residents use the iPlayer, only the Redcoats risk... Read More

How To: Make a photomosaic (great last minute gift idea!)

The other day I came across a “tutorial” on how to make a photomosaic using Leopard’s cool new photomosaic screensaver. While the title sounded intriguing, unfortunately what it eventually boiled down to was “take a screenshot of the mosaic when it resolves”. Pretty lame. The resolution on such a screen grab would not be high-res enough to use for printing,... Read More

Did Apple’s “Black Friday” specials leave you hungry for more? Try a “Mac Feast”

As usual, Apple’s “Black Friday” specials ended up being much ado about nothing, with price cuts on the order of what most people who have even a tenuous relationship with a student can accomplish on their own. However, there is good news for those Mac fans left wanting from these “deals”. Aquafadas did some networking at this year’s WWDC, and... Read More

“Check out DockAppsMenu, because Stacks suck”

Stacks is an interesting yet baffling new feature of the new Leopard. Basically, using Stacks you can quickly display the top 13 or so files (listed alphabetically) in a folder in either a hard-to-read fan-like sweep, or as a giant hard-to-read grid (again, only displaying as many icons as will fit). This is great for small folders of incredibly organized content, but lame if you... Read More

First Look: Mailplane – A desktop Gmail client for OS X

These days, web apps are giving their desktop equivalents a run for their money. Still, desktop apps provide a level of integration that is difficult to recreate through a browser. Mailplane aims to provide the best of both worlds for users of the popular web-based email service Gmail, plus some clever new features that aren’t found anywhere else. Mailplane will be released... Read More


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