That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 5

iPhone breast jiggling war illustrates “Double-D” sized problem for iPhone developers

An iPhone breast jiggling battle is quietly brewing between Tod Baudais of iJiggles and Jon Atherton of Wobble, and as it escalates, it threatens to tear apart the very fabric of breast jiggling on the iPhone. I can only hope we can stop it in time. Above: Wobble and iJiggles. Aren’t there enough breasts to go around? Both apps launched within days of each other, with Wobble... Read More

Police force woman to give up her iPod as cab fare

After 20 swipes of 20-year-old Nataie Lenhart’s credit card resulted in 20 “declined” messages, cab driver Mohammed Islam called 911. The responding officers to the “crime” scene (JFK International Airport) then proceeded to come up with one of the more bizarre (if not illegal) solutions to the problem – They forced Lenhart to give the cab... Read More

Whoops! iWork ’09 shows up on Apple’s downloads page

We were 99% sure that iWork ’09 was a slam dunk for today’s Macworld event, but just to seal the deal, Apple has sealed the deal by prematurely listing iWork ’09 in its downloads page. Wow! And it’s already number 5! Actually the link just brings you to the iWork ’08 page, but we think it’s safe to say that will change in about 3 hours. Thanks... Read More

Do you LOVE music? I mean, REALLY love music? (NSFW)

Kids, look away! Look away right now. In fact, you know what, I think maybe EVERYONE should probably just look away… Don’t click on the picture, for the love of GOD! Read More  Read More

Oh great, now we have reanalyze every Stevenote…

The folks over at Edible Apple, who apparently rewatch old Apple Keynotes for fun, discovered an odd bit of time-traveling “OMGWTF?” that would likely confuse Doc Brown. Check out who Steve deletes from his iPhone’s contacts list at about 5:40 in. On a related note, we notice Steve slipped up and lists Tim Cook as “Head of Apple’s Super Secret Netbook... Read More

Cutting down on your eventual RIAA suit’s lawyer’s fees

Just because a judge has asked the RIAA to stop bankrupting the defendants in illegal downloading cases doesn’t mean your inevitable lawsuit is going to be cheap. Well, one proactive music thief name Diana has decided to save a couple bucks on lawyer’s fees by pre-labeling her iPhone as “Exhibit A” in her eventual RIAA lawsuit. Great idea, Diana! And be... Read More

Bill Jobs is one smart, rich, and disturbing looking man

Everyone knows Mac and PC users are so genetically different that they cannot produce offspring, but what if they could…? Celebrity Morphing decided to do the unthinkable, morph Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and see what their Proposition 8 love child might look like. Behold Bill Jobs. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the link!  Read More

Behold iStik: The magnetic iPod nano bikini holder

Just as I still get nervous when my MacBook goes through the airport scanners, somehow the idea of putting powerful magnets next to my iPod still freaks me out, no matter how safe an electrical engineer assures me it is. Still, iStik’s magnetic cases for the nano appear to be the best thing to happen to bikini bottoms since the Coppertone dog. Currently the cases only support... Read More

Apple launches Apple Developer Forums: then takes them down

Those of you who get excited every time you see Apple’s “We’ll Be Back Soon” post-it on a Tuesday, listen up! Faithful Macenstein reader Anonymous Developer sent us his invite to the new Apple Developer Forums Beta he received this morning. “We are pleased to announce the Apple Developer Forums—a new benefit for developers in the iPhone Developer... Read More

Disney World’s Nazi Secret Uncovered by WikiMe?

So, I was at Disney World last week, and it being one of the few times I have ever left my house, I figured it would be an ideal chance for me to test out the WikiMe iPhone app. WikiMe is designed to use your iPhone’s GPS to figure out where you are and then use Wikipedia matches to give you information about local points of interest. Well, I certainly found this result interesting… ... Read More


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