Exclusive: Behind the scenes photos from a very Apple-centric “French Maids TV” shoot
Fans of the highly educational “French Maid” series of how-to videos are well aware that the girls like their Apple gear, but this shoot in particular, entitled “How To Share Private Videos” features a huge assortment of Apple gear, even for them. French Maid TV was nice enough to grant Macenstein exclusive “behind the scenes” photos from the shoot, and being huge fans of feather dusters and pillow fights, we couldn’t be more thrilled! So,... Read More
“A grey strip of some kind of high quality material…”
I know “Apple funny”, and this is Apple funny. Faithful Macenstein reader Nicholas sent us a link to one of the funniest Apple Discussion forum posts we have seen (and there have been many). Entitled “Help, I Can’t Open My MacBook Pro!“, the posts details the plight of first time MacBook Pro owner aberard who can’t seem to figure out how to open his new laptop, and the poor forum users who are trying to help him. “I can’t open... Read More
MacBook Airhead
Look who just went Mac shopping! It’s Paris Hilton and her man of the hour Benji Madden. Paris picked up a brand new MacBook Air, while Madden opted for the MacBook Pro. We spotted Hilton with a MacBook Pro of her own a few months ago, but we’re sure the MBP must have died on her. After all, she doesn’t seem like the kind to make extravagant purchases just on a whim. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Chris for the tip! [Images: Ryan Fuertes via Mr. Paparazzi] Read More
Apple’s hinge-less “MacBook Pro Canvas”
I am a fan of Apple’s aluminum MacBook Pro/Air enclosures, and rumor has it the MacBook will soon be ditching its girly plastic and adopting the cool metal enclosure as well. As much as I would love to see this, it seems a little odd to me that Apple would bump their consumer laptop to aluminum without giving their pro offerings a much-needed redesign. Apple has always liked to visually differentiate the Pro and consumer models, and I think that as nice as the MacBook Pro... Read More
Last week coming back from a business trip, we had a little accident about 25,000 feet up. The battery in our 17-inch MacBook Pro exploded, literally. In hindsight I think we were lucky we weren’t taken in as Al-Qaeda, but all we could think at the time was “Sweet! finally something went wrong within the 1-year warranty!” (We got our new battery today). [UPDATE:] In answer to the questions of the MacBook Pro, no, it was not harmed. We were using it at the... Read More
The Top 5 Crappiest (but still running) Mac Setups
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Photos_The_Top_5_Crappiest_but_still_running_Mac_Setups; We’ve all seen those top ten lists of killer Mac setups that cost more than your car, house, and family. Well, unlike those sites, we here at Macenstein are not into shining a bright spotlight on how much your life sucks or how horrible the career choices are that you’ve made. We understand that most of our readers can only dream of those killer setups, and are currently... Read More
Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Jessica Stam
I’ll admit I am not as up to date on my Victoria’s Secrets models as I used to be, but when I came across this picture of the lovely Jessica Stam listening to iTunes on a MacBook Pro, I forced myself to make time in my busy schedule to look into Miss Stram’s credentials. As you can see below, her body (of work) is impressive. I mean, do you have any idea how hard it is to accessorize the world’s smallest kilt and a pair of giant demon wings? I think... Read More
Why won’t celebrities buy a F*$%ing case for their MacBooks?
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Why_won_t_celebrities_buy_a_F_ing_case_for_their_MacBooks; OK. This is now getting ridiculous. Why can’t celebrities take proper care of their MacBooks? First Jennifer Aniston, then Heather Graham. OK, they’re just girls, what do they know? (just kidding, ladies!) But now here we have George Clooney and Jude Law both dangerously flailing their Macs around as if they were Michael Jackson with a baby. I mean, what if it should... Read More
Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Paris Hilton
Who knew? Apparently Paris Hilton does have taste after all! Although she seems to be holding a Blackberry 8000 series instead of an iPhone, that MacBook Pro is unmistakable. Paris also seems to prefer the iPod as her Music Player of choice. First Jennifer Aniston, now Paris… if we can just find an Angelina Jolie Mac sighting, we will have a trifecta of the world’s most famous women also being Mac users. (Fianlly! A legitimate excuse to explain to the Bride of... Read More
Video: Conan O’Brien using iChat to chat with Max Weinberg/LaBamba
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Video_Conan_O_Brien_using_iChat_to_chat_with_Max_Weinb; Wow. When we witnessed his insane laughter during that horrible Windows Media Center debacle, we just knew Conan O’Brien was a Mac user. Well, faithful Macenstein reader Jamie Haggett was able to put some proof in our pudding this afternoon. Jamie gave us a heads up that on last night’s episode Conan was seen using iChat on a MacBook Pro to chat with absentee drummer Max... Read More
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