Microsoft Bashing - Macenstein - Page 4

NSFW: Finally, an honest “laptop hunters” commercial

Well, I think I know why they let Jake keep the PC he found this time. I pretty much wouldn’t touch ANYTHING he touched… (WARNING: EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK unless you have a really cool job). Laptop Hunters: Jake – watch more funny videos  Read More

Well, at least we still don’t know exactly what the BACK looks like…

If only there were residents of Cupertino California willing to work for $10 a month, maybe then Apple would be able to plug some of these overseas leaks. Behold China Ontrade, a supplier of replacement parts for pretty much any device you can think of, including Apple’s as-of-yet unreleased 3rd Generation iPhone. Currently they are selling two iPhone parts, the front bezel as well as the LCD screen, which I guess means OLED is right out. I’m not sure what an OLED... Read More

Must not have been a windy day….

YouTuber sibilare135 noticed something kind of odd about Microsoft’s latest “fake real people buying a laptop commercial”. Wow, looks like Lauren and Sue really gave the Mac vs. PC buying experience some real thought, doesn’t it? Well, apparently if one looks a little closer (as fanboys are want to do), it seems (please try to contain your shock) this whole shoot might have been a set up. You see, at the 5 second mark we see the girls outside listing... Read More

Set Phasers to “suck”

Engadget has come across what it believes to be pictures of the upcoming “Zune HD”, a touch screen version of the Zune presumably meant to combat the iPod touch. Microsoft really captured lightning in a bottle with the first Zune, but can lightning strike twice? It’s too early to tell if the Zune HD will come close to capturing the magic of the original Zune, but if it sells even HALF as well as the first generation Zune, well, then…. it will have really... Read More

Texas lays the smack down on Vista

“We are not in any way, shape or form trying to pick on Microsoft, but the problems with this particular [operating] system are known nationwide.” Those are the words of Senator Juan Hinojosa of Texas on the decision of the Texas state Senate to seek to ban Vista from use in its government agencies. The preliminarily approved state budget includes a rider which expressly forbids Texas’ government agencies from upgrading to Microsoft Corp.’s Windows Vista... Read More

Well, that’s ONE way to hurt iPod sales….

Microsoft’s latest weapon against the iPod: The BSOD Faithful Macenstein reader George writes: So I’m returning from the World Air Hockey Championships in Las Vegas and at the LAS airport I see an Apple branded vending machine for iPods so I run over to take a look and replace my stolen nano and as I whip out my card to pay I notice the damn thing is run by Windows and is displaying the Windows standard screen, you know BSOD! I hope Apple uses a better OS on the... Read More

Jimmy Fallon gets his biggest laugh of the night at Microsoft’s expense

Jimmy Fallon pulled out all the Apple fanboy stops when he made his late night television debut Monday night. Aside from the MacBook which sat unused on his desk, Fallon got his biggest laugh of the night taking a jab at Microsoft’s upcoming retail stores. Honestly, I have had more than one Apple store employee freeze and have to go ask a manager something. I actually have a set list of questions I use on Apple store employees who are foolish enough to ask if they can... Read More

A&E violates Apple’s EULA

Move over Psystar, looks like Apple has bigger fish to fry! Check out this little bit of DMCA-circumventing that A&E thought they could slip by us simply because they figured no one would be watching their new Patrick Swayze vehicle, The Beast. Well, apparently they didn’t count on eagle-eyed faithful Macenstein reader (and Swayze fan) Kerry! “I was watching the A&E show The Beast (Patrick Swayze Lives) and as you can clearing see the character is working... Read More

Like shooting ducks in a barrel

Just because a joke is easy doesn’t mean it isn’t funny. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Justin for the tip! [via 9to5Mac]  Read More

Microsoft’s anal-sounding retail announcement illustrates why its stores will fail

Remember back in 2001 when Apple first announced it would be opening 25 retail stores? Well, just in case you don’t re-read old Apple Press releases to your kids at bedtime each night, here’s a quick refresher on how Steve Jobs described Apple’s motives in opening their stores: “The Apple stores offer an amazing new way to buy a computer. Rather than just hear about megahertz and megabytes, customers can now learn and experience the things they can actually... Read More


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