Creating a rich man’s “poor man’s” Apple TV
Faithful Macenstein reader Phil writes: Hi Doc, I tried finding info on this on Google and all known mac forums, but have not found anything so far. I am wondering whether I can use Dot.Tunes to stream video to my iPod touch (they say I can: and then use the Apple composite cable to connect the touch to my TV, creating a poor man’s Apple TV. Do you know whether this is possible? Thank you, Phil Hey Phil, Well, first off, I wouldn’t... Read More
Where’s “music menu selection memory” in the new mobile OS X?
Faithful Macenstein reader Justin writes: Figured I would go to you because… a> Macenstein rocks… (Always a good way to start a letter to us) b> You’ve submitted articles about a Leopard question I had before. Anyway, iPhone/iPod Touch question… where the hell is music menu selection memory in the new mobile OS X interface? Remember on your old iPod, if you selected something, a song or album (even items in the settings menu) and went to another part of... Read More
EyeTV 2.5 kicks ass – Now let’s give it a pair of steel-toed boots
This Monday Elgato released their EyeTV 2.5 update, and I must say it has changed the way I watch TV. Well, not so much the way I do, but where I do. The main feature of the update was the seemingly gimmicky ability to stream recorded shows wirelessly to your iPhone/iPod touch from your EyeTV computer. I wasn’t all that sure how useful this feature would be (and quite frankly, I’m still not) but there’s a very cool side benefit to this technology that for some... Read More
Anyone have a blogads invite?
Posted by Dr. Macenstein We hear this “internet thing” is catching on, and that in theory, people can make money from their lame sites. Or at least make enough money to keep them going. Being the type of business people we are (namely, poor starving artists), Macenstein is, as you might expect, hemorrhaging money. Someone recently told us we should be using blogads to bring in the dough, but upon checking out their site, we see they are invitation only, meaning... Read More
iCal’s missing Calendars
Posted by Dr. Macenstein Since I have no friends or social engagements worth noting, I mainly use Apple’s iCal to track movie and DVD releases so that I can sit alone in a theater (or at home) and cry tears of loneliness while watching a movie. This sad ritual is one of my great joys in life, and thanks to iCal’s DVD Releases and Movie Openings calendars, I have been able to avoid MovieFone for over a year now. However, starting about 3 weeks ago, both the Movie... Read More
Anyone out there know WordPress?
[UPDATE: Thanks for the overwhelming response. We believe we have found our WordPress guru, so thanks for your offers of help, but it looks like we’re set. But perhaps we’ll come begging again for the Macenstein Version 3.0 launch!] We’re looking to update Macenstein‘s look, and we could use some help. We’ve come up with a look for the site (for better or worse), we just don’t know how to code a theme out of it. It would appear CSS is our kryptonite.... Read More
Users Helping Users: Will there be a “Core Animation Funhouse” in Leopard?
Posted by Dr. Macenstein Here at Macenstein we often get asked Mac-related questions from readers who are foolish enough to think we know something. Usually we can bluff our way through an answer, throwing out confusing technical phrases like “just download the RAM to your ftp server” or “Reply hazy. Ask again later”. But sometimes we have to admit we just have no clue. So that’s where you come in. We are unveiling a new feature here at Macenstein... Read More
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