History - Macenstein - Page 4

Where are they now? Bike messenger/screenwriter Brian Durkin

No, seriously, where is he? This isn’t one of those “We’ve tracked down Brian – let’s see what he’s up to” kind of articles. I’d like it to be, but I just can’t find any trace of him at all. Above: “DUDE! You’re getting a Mac!” Who is Brian Durkin, you ask? Well, way back in 1994, Apple ran a series of PowerBook... Read More

Good lord! How old is Apple’s ergonomics page?!

Wow. It looks like Apple’s ergonomics web page predates the internet. Is that an Apple II that 1st guy is using? No wonder he’s suffering from “lightning bolt neck”. Oddly, besides that Apple II-looking thing, there’s not a Mac to be found in any of Apple’s “ergonomic no-no’s” drawings. I suppose the indication here is that... Read More

Apple IIc plays Second Life better than Leopard

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Apple_IIc_plays_Second_Life_better_than_Mac_OS_X_Leopard; Fans of the virtual online world Second Life who were shut out by the 10.5.2 update are in luck. While not exactly the fix they may have been hoping for, it looks like Mac users can once again play Second Life on their Mac, provided of course that Mac is an Apple IIc. The above video... Read More

Steve Jobs was the world’s first Zillionaire at age 29

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Steve_Jobs_was_the_world_s_1st_Zillionaire_at_age_29_1985; I was going through my dad’s sock drawer this morning, like I do every Friday, and I came across this old Playboy from February of 1985 featuring an interview with an about-to-be-ousted-from-Apple Steve Jobs. Apparently at the ripe age of 29 Steve was the world’s first Zillionaire... Read More

History: Bill Gates’ Windows Media Center Blooper

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/microsoft/History_Bill_Gates_Windows_Media_Centre_Blooper; Sure, Steve’s had his share of keynote bloopers, but for some reason I find it endlessly more fascinating to watch Bill Gates squirm during this classic piece of tape during the CES debut of Windows Media Center. He looks like a little boy in that giant chair, fresh from being removed... Read More

Steve Jobs leads Apple to 31% of the education market? Big deal! John Sculley had 60%!

Tim Cook announced earlier this month that Apple had surpassed Dell as the number one supplier of portables to US higher education for 2007. That’s all well and good, but even at number 1, estimates suggest Apple has only a 31% share of the education market. Compare that with the 60% the Apple II enjoyed, and the choice becomes clear. Apple should dump all these ultra thin... Read More

History: Watch Omar hijack the Panther Introduction video

Watching this, you may wonder if it is Apple’s Panther introduction video, or a commercial for its host, Omar. I love this video. It has everything; special guest stars, Omar, bad acting, Omar, Phil Schiller, Omar… the only thing missing is more Omar, and it even has that too! The best thing about Omar is apparently, much as a shark must keep swimming to stay alive,... Read More

Flashback: “This thing called the Dock” – Steve Jobs demos NeXT, bashes the Mac, says his favorite font is “Stencil”? WTF?

Ok, this little piece of Apple history is over 30 minutes long, but I encourage anyone who considers themselves an Apple geek to watch it. It is a demo by Steve Jobs of “NeXTSTEP Release 3” given in 1992, and it provides a slew of interesting tidbits about the newly married Steve Jobs, NeXTSTEP, OS X, and 1992 in general. If you don’t have 30 minutes to spare,... Read More

The G4 Cube: “Holy Shit, Steve’s done it again!”

Introduced at the July 2000 Macworld Expo, there is little denying that the G4 Cube was one of the coolest looking Apple products ever made (well, the ones without the stress fractures at least). But I thought this promotional video for the Cube was interesting for a couple reasons. First, there is an almost comically liberal use of the term “Super Computer” here. I... Read More

Video: The introduction of the original iPod – Watch Steve explain basic technology to reporters as if they were children

This video, which is the introduction of the original iPod from way back in 2001 at a special Apple Music Event, is worth watching for about 100 reasons, but I’ll pick my top 3… Read More  Read More


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