Humor - Macenstein - Page 5

Scared of Cell Phone cancer? Get an iPhone

Sound logic that using an iPhone is less likely to give you cancer than traditional cell phones. iPhone No Cancer Commercial – watch more funny videos via Funny or Die  Read More

MST3K on the PC/Mac debate – Some things never change

Behold the epic “Mac Vs. PC debate, taking place “In the not-too-distant future, Next Sunday, A.D.” (Actually probably about 1990). Funny how the fanboy arguments on both sides haven’t changed in the last 22 years or so. Incidentally, if you were ever a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (and if you’re over 29 years old, odds are you ARE) do yourself... Read More

White iPhone plus sweaty palms =

New White iPhone 4 Commercial – watch more funny videos via Funny or Die  Read More

Season Premiere of South Park targets iPhone location tracking with the Human Centipad

South Park Human Centipad

Wow those guys work fast. I have always been impressed with how quickly the guys at South Park can crank out a topical episode, but I HAVE to imagine this was a perfect storm of South Park already going to make their “Human Centipad” sketch, and then they somehow were able to tack on a 2 minute tracking piece. If not, they must have literally gotten their turn around... Read More

How and Why Steve Jobs and The Grim Reaper Track your iPhone

Of COURSE! It all makes sense now! Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Tim for the link!  Read More

Homer Simpson voice now available for Tom Tom iPhone GPS App (But seems kind of annoying)

GPS maker TomTom announced today that you can now download Homer Simpson‘s voice as a $5.99 in-app purchase to replace the default set of voices in their $49.99 TomTom U.S.A GPS App. Since I already own the TomTom USA App, and was a HUGE fan of the Simpsons (for the first 15 years or so, anyway) I thought this might be a cute no-brainer of a purchase. That is, until I listened... Read More

Steve Jobs, frozen in carbonite iPhone case feels like something I should want, but don’t

Society6 is selling a “Steve Jobs in Carbonite” iPhone case for $35 that in theory is such a perfect geeky combination that I SHOULD want to own it. But something about it just feels so very creepy… I’m not sure I would want to touch it, let alone hold it really close to my cheek. Still, the idea IS oddly awesome. If the iPhone case isn’t your thing,... Read More

Angry Birds meets Star Wars – But where’s Bacon Fett?

If there was one underlying message children were meant to take away from the Star Wars movies, it’s that bad guys are WAY cooler than the good guys. Just like in the REAL life. And I think that message comes shinning through in this set of “Star Wars meets Angry Birds” mockups. The Imperial Pigs kick ass. Although, I would have loved to see Bacon Fett. (or would... Read More

Apple shuts down M.I.C., once again

Ahh, would you look at what I got in the mail today, a message form M.I.C telling me that Apple has ordered them to stop selling their iHub USB hub. Luckily, it says my order will still be honored, so it would seem I am quickly building quite the collection of “Apple-legal-cease-and-desist” devices from M.I.C, already having ordered and received my banned Steve Jobs... Read More

Portal 2 Blue screen of death

Among many other cool little Portal 2 spoilers, SuperPunch posted this awesome screenshot of a death most of us haven’t seen in a LOOOONG time. (OK, so it’s not an “official Windows” death screen, but it certainly ain’t a spinning beach ball).  Read More


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