Stay Classy: Westboro Baptist Church announces (via iPhone) it will protest Steve Jobs Funeral

I would say it is ironic that the Westboro Baptist Church (of the infamous “God Hates Fags” movement which gained fame protesting outside of the funerals of little girls and fallen soldiers) announced that they will be protesting Steve Jobs’ funeral via an iPhone, but unfortunately, they already beat me to it. Yes, God hates fags, and apparently he also hates... Read More
Lion’s Mail dredges up the past

People have long held the notion that the Mac is geared towards the “creative” mind, although usually they are referring to graphic artists using applications such as Photoshop, Painter, Illustrator and such to help express their creativity. However, with Lion, it is Apple’s OS itself that is forcing us to be creative, or, more specifically, its updated Mail app.... Read More
Steve Jobs retires as CEO

I sure hope Tim Cook has been practicing his terse, one-line emails, because it looks like Steve won’t be on the receiving end of our FCP Pro X complaints anymore. “Letter from Steve Jobs CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties... Read More
Why has Apple’s Training and Certification” page been down for nearly a week?

Hey, have you checked out Apple’s Training and Certification page lately? Us neither. But apparently it has been down for awhile. Hmmm... define "soon" Faithful Macenstein reader Andrew asks: “Apple’s training & certification website is down, and it appears that it may have been down at least since July 20 according to Google’s cache of the... Read More
Hot-selling Casey Anthony Trial apps confirm that everyone sucks

I don’t know where you fall on the whole “mom’s (allegedly) killing their own kids debate, but I would hope you would find people trying to profit from it somewhat distasteful. That being said, apparently quite a few of you DON’T, as the app Casey Anthony Trial with LIVE STREAM, News, Videos, Audio, Documents and more 99¢ by Scott Manthey (who apparently... Read More
iMac Hit by 8.9 Magnitude Quake in Japan
The tragedy in Japan just keeps getting worse… Luckily it looks like the iMac’s owner got out safely. Our thoughts go out to our Japanese readers. Read More
Steve Jobs de-knighted?
According to The Telegraph, Steve Jobs was just seconds away from obtaining a British knighthood when former Prime Minister Gordon Brown squashed the deal out of spite when Jobs declined to speak speak at Labour’s annual conference. Mr Jobs was put forward for the honour by the MP for services to technology. Apple is credited with revolutionising the industry in recent years... Read More
Enquirer says Steve Jobs has 6 weeks left to live: Mariah Carey’s sister is a $250 per hour adult escort
Man, I am REALLY missing those days when the National Enquirer ran nothing but Big Foot sightings and alien probing stories. Unfortunately, in recent years the Enquirer has become a fairly accurate and legitimate news source, breaking some fairly major stories in the tabloid world, which is all the more disheartening as their latest headline claims that Steve Jobs has only 6 weeks... Read More
Steve Jobs on Medical Leave
According to Cult of Mac, Jobs sent the following message to staff this morning: “Team, At my request, the board of directors has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health. I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company. I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for all of Apple’s day to day operations. I have... Read More
New Fieldrunners update is AWESOME (Except that it sucks)
This Thursday a new free update to Fieldrunners arrived on my iPad (a paid version for the iPhone subsequently hit today) featuring multi-player and 3 new maps. As anyone who knows me knows, Fieldrunners is perhaps my all-time favorite iOS game, so I viewed this unexpected update as a true Christmas miracle. All three new maps are awesome, the new towers are awesome, the multi-payer... Read More
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