No QTVR on iPhone or iPod touch? WTF?!
The fact that the iPhone has been out nearly 6 months now and I have not seen anyone bitch about this yet likely means I am wasting my breath, but who cares? It wouldn’t be the first time. Why is there no QuickTime VR support on the iPhone/iPod touch? I just happened to be trolling Apple’s site this evening on my iPhone, and thought, “Hey, it must be kind of cool... Read More
10.5.1 and still no fix for the ATi X1900 MacPro display issues
Time to once again exploit our readers for help on an issue I am having… One of the things I was personally most looking forward to in the 1st Leopard update was a fix for a seemingly widespread display issue affecting MacPro owners, myself included. The two screenshots below show my symptoms (odd tearing lines across windows), which seem to be similar to those experienced... Read More
Pic: Leopard’s blurry Preview
Not to get all down on Leopard here, but in addition to the 2 recent reader-submitted Leopard gripes, (see Aperture problem and Mail issue), I thought I might throw my own issue with Leopard into the mix. Last night I was going through some photos in Preview on my new Leopard-equipped MacBook, and I noticed that everything looked just a bit softer than usual. Preview had never... Read More
Seeing double in Mail
Faithful Macenstein reader Brian, inspired by our recent “double your fun” Aperture glitch wrote in with his own weird Leopard issue, this time a problem with Mail 3. I saw the post about the Aperture/Desktop glitch and the double up of the Aperture Library reminded me of a glitch I’ve had in Mail 3 in Leopard. When I imported archived mailboxes from my Tiger... Read More
Speaking of China…
Well, someone was probably speaking of China. Yes, my newly ordered MacBook has left China, and apparently has made it to the West Coast. With each feverish pressing of the “re-load” button on the FedEx tracking page, I have gradually become less and less worried about the possibility it will arrive with graphics problems, and am now just plain old excited about the... Read More
Apple’s Top 5 current design travesties
Sure we all love Apple, but it doesn’t mean we have to turn a blind eye when they occasionally make the odd design decision. Below is our list of the top 5 most glaringly bad design decisions the company has recently (and is still currently) incorporating into its hardware. Feel free to add your own favorites in the comments. 5) The iPhone’s speakerphone volume is (still)... Read More
I don’t even have it and my new MacBook already has a problem
When Apple announced their revised MacBooks Thursday, true to my word, I successfully tricked the Bride of Macenstein into thinking it was a good idea for me to have one. I placed my order for a slightly customized version of their low-end “combo drive” system (Apple’s greatest shame is that they even offer the combo drive anymore) with 2 GB of RAM and 160 GB drive.... Read More
Mauled by a Leopard
I was mauled by a Leopard yesterday, and while I somehow managed to survive his initial attack, he came back this morning to take another bite. Luckily I am a quick healer, so I am back to 90% health, but I urge anyone out there taking the Leopard upgrade for granted take a quick moment and listen to my tale. The sad story I admit I may have been lulled into a false sense of security... Read More
Leopard: Still no FTP support? WTF?!
The early reviews of Mac OS X Leopard are coming in from those lucky enough to have been shipped a review copy, had their pre-order shipped early, or stolen downloaded a copy through the Torrents. And while these reports are all well and good, what matters most to us is what the faithful Macenstein readers have to say. One such faithful reader (and early Leopard adopter) The Hendry,... Read More
No Time Machine for AEBS disks?
Apple’s new list of the 300 + new features in Leopard is indeed causing us to look at 10.5 as a more important update than we initially thought. However, it seems that while many new features have been added, one may have been taken away. Faithful Macenstein reader (and disappointed AirPort Extreme Base Station user) Deej writes: “I was looking in the AirPort Discussion... Read More
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