Steve Jobs: American Ninja
UPDATE: Crap! Apple actually has released a statement saying this never happened. Faithful Macenstein reader Xber Druid points us to an article that is so awesome, so utterly rich in the potential to become part of Steve Jobs’ folklore that I don’t even care if it’s true, I’m going to say it is. It just HAS to be. According to the Japanese Magazine Spa!,... Read More
Yeah, what HE said
Oh boy, things are really heating up for tomorrow’s big iPhone 4 “event”! Apparently too cheap to buy a stamp and mail it, New York Senator Chuck Schumer today released an open letter to Steve Jobs (below) about his concern over the iPhone 4 and the discrepancies between what Apple is claiming is to blame for the reception issues, and what the rest of the world... Read More
Oh, this is going to be GOOD!
Apparently our invite got lost in the mail, so we had to make our best guess. In keeping with Apple’s new pattern of publicly discussing iPhone 4 issues on Fridays, TUAW reports that Apple has announced an impromptu damage control session press conference for this Friday. Apple is inviting select media representatives to a special press conference that will be held on Friday,... Read More
Prediction: Apple will begin giving away bumper cases with iPhone 4’s and issue $30 credit for early buyers in the next 2 weeks
When I first heard Gizmodo‘s report that iPhone 4 cell reception was adversely affected by touching the stainless steel band that surrounds the iPhone 4 and serves as the antennae for the device, I was a bit skeptical. The fanboy in me wanted to think that since Gizmodo clearly has a bit of an ax to grind with Apple, they may be exaggerating the claims, or perhaps it was... Read More
Well, this explains a lot…
If you hate long, over-produced intros, you can start at 20 seconds in. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Dave for the tip! Read More
Steve Jobs is delusional
Steve Jobs made a pretty bold claim when he responded to Bryan Webster’s eloquently written question abut the upcoming WWDC: Wow. Them’s fightin’ words to be sure, and they certainly gave ME a chill when I first read them. I immediately had visions of a super-charged, video game playing Apple TV/DVR, fully open to developers, and an iPhone 4 with video chat and... Read More
Steve jobs calls the kettle “black”
“It’s just common sense not to use another company’s trademarks in your app name.” Those are the words of Steve Jobs in response to an e-mail from app developer Chris Ostmo whose journalPad app was just forced to undergo an expensive re-branding or risk being pulled from the app store for including the word “Pad” in the title. The problem of... Read More
Steve not returning your e-mails? Ask El Jobso!
With the recent flurry of short and sweet e-mail responses from everyone’s favorite Apple CEO, odds are Steve’s inbox is now flooded with inane questions of all sorts, thus severely limiting your chances of getting a reply. In fact, believe it or not, even my recent e-mail to Steve went unanswered. But luckily for all of us, there is now El Jobso, a virtual Steve... Read More
Steve Jobs cheese head probably tastes AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, and MAGICAL
…Or gross. There IS a lot of pepper on that beard… When Ken over at The Cook’s Den needed something special to spice up his iPad launch party, his thoughts naturally turned to carving Steve Jobs’ head out of cheese. Above: Much like the iPad, Steve’s “Magically” delicious! A self-described Apple fanboy, Ken has not only graciously posted... Read More
Poll: What Should Steve Jobs name his Autobiography?
Well, we’ve gone through all your brilliant submissions for our What Should Steve Jobs name his Autobiography contest, and we’ve narrowed it down to what we feel are the 10 best choices. Now, normally our egos would demand that we pick the winning entry, but for once we’re actually going to pretend we care about what YOU think, and let YOU decide the winning... Read More
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