That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 9

BBC: “These amps go to 11”

Apple may be trying to save their customer’s hearing, but the BBC is giving a big middle finger salute to the Tinnitus foundation in the form of the new Mac version of their BBC iPlayer. That’s right, the Mac player’s volume goes up to “11”. Take that, Spinal Tap! Luckily, since the BBC only lets UK residents use the iPlayer, only the Redcoats risk... Read More

WTF? – ThinkSecret – still in business until at least February 14th?

We here at Macenstein love a good mystery, and if there isn’t a good mystery available, we’ll settle for a mediocre mystery. To that end, we are focusing today on the biggest Mac mystery of the moment, that of ThinkSecret‘s Apple settlement. Faithful Macenstein reader Michael Johnston of iPhone Alley read our post on ThinkSecret‘s continued publication despite... Read More

When is “Actual Size” not Actual Size?: Leopard’s Blurry Preview Pt 2

My earlier post on Leopard’s seemingly soft Preview led many of our faithful readers to question my methodology, and rightly so. At Macenstein, we’ve never been the type to do “quality” experiments, and “good enough is our very best” has long been our motto. However, I decided to devote one last ounce of my precious energy to the blurry Preview... Read More

Leopard’s weird Aperture/desktop glitch

Faithful Macenstein reader Logan Williams has alerted us to an odd problem Aperture users might be experiencing when they upgade to Leopard. “I found a bug in Leopard, as have several others. It’s really annoying. If you have Aperture, you can’t set a folder in System Prefs for desktop backgrounds – it duplicates your Aperture projects folder and starts... Read More

Are iCal’s days numbered?

I am SO sorry for that pun. Please forgive me – I honestly tried not to write it, I really did, but I am just not strong enough. 🙂 And no, for the record, I do not really think iCal is on the way out, (after all, would Apple have finally fixed the icon if it didn’t think iCal had a long and rosy future ahead of it?) but is anyone else having trouble finding those... Read More

No Time Machine for AEBS disks?

Apple’s new list of the 300 + new features in Leopard is indeed causing us to look at 10.5 as a more important update than we initially thought. However, it seems that while many new features have been added, one may have been taken away. Faithful Macenstein reader (and disappointed AirPort Extreme Base Station user) Deej writes: “I was looking in the AirPort Discussion... Read More

Apple “flush” with suspicion, adds water sensor to iPhones/iPod touches

Hardmac/Macbidouille is reporting that Apple has added a “a water sensor in the iPhone and in the iPod Touch” to discourage people from attempting to return accidentally dunked iPhones and iPod touches as defective. This sensor consists of “a white disc that will irreversibly change color when entering in contact with water”, meaning an Apple service rep... Read More

Where’s “music menu selection memory” in the new mobile OS X?

Faithful Macenstein reader Justin writes: Figured I would go to you because… a> Macenstein rocks… (Always a good way to start a letter to us) b> You’ve submitted articles about a Leopard question I had before. Anyway, iPhone/iPod Touch question… where the hell is music menu selection memory in the new mobile OS X interface? Remember on your old iPod, if you... Read More

Weird iPhone glitch… TV shows don’t Sync, but Movies do?

Posted by Dr. Macenstein My iPhone has exhibited an odd behavior and I was hoping some fellow geek out there with an iPhone and Elgato’s Eye TV software can verify it for me. Here’s the deal. I have about 250 TV shows in my iTunes library which I have recorded using Elegato’s EyeTV software, and exported using their 640×480 H.264 video iPod setting. I made... Read More

Macenstein to Remote Desktop Team: “Get With the Program”

Posted by Brain in a Jar Anyone who spends as many hours a day on the Mac forums as we do surely remembers the flap over the numbering of the latest incremental OS update, 10.4.10. Not to re-ignite the debate, but it turns out super-geeks may not be the only folks to find fault in Apple’s numbering logic. While adding a new system to the Macenstein Labs stable, we noticed... Read More


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