That's Weird... - Macenstein - Page 8

Good lord! How old is Apple’s ergonomics page?!

Wow. It looks like Apple’s ergonomics web page predates the internet. Is that an Apple II that 1st guy is using? No wonder he’s suffering from “lightning bolt neck”. Oddly, besides that Apple II-looking thing, there’s not a Mac to be found in any of Apple’s “ergonomic no-no’s” drawings. I suppose the indication here is that... Read More

So, why is there no “Invisible” in the iChat Menu Bar?

Truly one of life’s great thrills is going online in iChat with your status set to “invisible“. It’s pretty much the closest you can get to joining the CIA without actually getting off the couch and enlisting. But as much as I love the ability to spy on my iChat friends without them knowing I am online, one thing thing that puts an extra dagger in my Cloak... Read More

Wow. Talk about overestimating the value of an iPod!

A 14 year-old Davenport, IA teenager was arrested yesterday after he reportedly stole a female classmate’s iPod and then demanded she send him a sexually explicit video of herself in exchange for its safe return. Davenport Police Capt. David Struckman said the iPod was taken from the girl’s purse last week, and the following day a note was placed in her purse with the... Read More

Freeverse “calling dibs” on certain iPhone games?

This kind of struck me as weird. With the official iPhone SDK announcement just hours away, Freeverse has made a pre-announcement, outlining some of the games it hopes to bring to the iPhone when the SDK is officially launched. While we await the official SDK from Apple, here are the titles that we’re thinking about: Flick Sportsâ„¢ Using the iPhone’s unique flick/pinch... Read More

Apple announces it will keep stringing us along on the new MacBook Pros

Well, once again, a Tuesday morning has started with Apple’s “We’ll be back soon” Post-It note on their store, and ended without new MacBooks. The “big” news today was a new 2 GB shuffle, a price drop on the 1 GB model, and a new Xsan. Kind of an odd combination of updates, assuming the lower shuffle price isn’t meant to encourage you... Read More

AT&T site recommends using iPhone on 3G network

Are you sick of all our iPhone/3G speculation? Well, tough. But this one’s quick. W3Prodigy noticed an interesting paragraph on AT&T’s iPhone site: Data Access In order to use data such as email, Google Maps, YouTube videos and web browsing, AT&T recommends using iPhone in a 3G or EDGE Network, or from a local Wi-Fi connection. I knew there was something... Read More

Guy Kawasaki Stole My Favicon

Faithful Macenstein reader meggert pointed us to a site that he points out is notable for 2 reasons. Behold Guy Kawasaki’s new site Above: the alltell Mac favicon seems somewhat familiar… First, as meggert points out, their favicon seems awfully familiar. But more importantly, there is a glaring omission from their aggregator sites… namely,... Read More

Bring Stacks home: The Prove Shelves by Creosa

Faithful Macenstein reader Jim came across these crazy newfangled shelves on freshome that bear a striking resemblance to Leopard’s Stacks. While ordinary bookshelves can only mimic Leopard’s Stacks feature’s “grid view”, the Prove Shelves, designed by the German company Creosa, do a very respectable job mimicking Leopard’s “fan”... Read More

If you can sit, you can get fit… The Hawaii Chair!

OK, this is not Mac related, and I know you guys frown on videos, but if you don’t at least crack a smile watching this, you have no soul. (iPhone users click here to watch the video) Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Kelly (who begged us not to post it) for the link!  Read More

So, why did Apple update the Mac Pro and Xserve the week before Macworld?

Aside from the most faithful of the Mac faithful, this year’s Macworld was met with a resounding “Meh” by the tech community. Personally, we’d give it a 6.5. It wasn’t so much that the announcements were horrible, it was more that everything Jobs showcased was simply “fine”, deserving of polite applause rather than the fanatical hoots we... Read More


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